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Old August 3rd, 2017, 01:46 AM
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Cool Re: Dark Forest Territory

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
He let Onyx nuzzle him, but Cassius was still in too much shock and grief right now to even focus on giving him the affection back. He looked up into his fathers eyes, the eyes that he had stared into so much as he wished to be like him. He felt a tear still sitting on his face. He had to be strong. Onyx wasn't crying, so neither would he. He used his paws to quickly wipe away the wetness on his face and stared into his fathers eyes, his gaze hard and stern. He would not let himself cry again. "Part from Lilith? Is it because she lied to me about what happened..." He asked, his voice forced, that way it would not crack, it would not break down. "And what about Ferox? Must I part from him too?" He asked, knowing his brother had never liked Onyx as much. But he still wanted to know if he would only go on with his trainers. It might be nice having a brother to stand beside, if Ferox would accept him... And he would have a chosen trainer, one chosen by Onyx, if only he knew who it was... He ignored the compliment, the show of affection. He had one question to ask that had been looming in his mind the whole time. "Dad, who did it?" He asked.

"Who killed the King?"
"No, she would try and make you different. She doesn't want her son to be king. And Ferox... Love your brother. I had brothers of my own, ones you never met. And of course my sister... He will aid you if he truly cares about you as a family." He said. Then he choked up on his son's next question. Who killed the king? "You will find out when the time is right, have patience, that is a kings best weapon, his ability to wait." He said, a dark smile crossing his maw. "Be obedient, be a child, only until after your fighter ceremony, and then, be a prince. Once your second trainer is done, be a king." He said. "I remember when you were born, you were so small then, now look at you. As strong as I, possibily even stronger." He meowed. He needed his son to be stronger than he was. "I know this is tough, but promise me, promise me you will do this for me? And not betray me like Kovu did?" He asked, eyes somewhat desperate.

{ funny story- kovu attacked him which made him weak and made it easier for Hannibal to kill him }
{ fam went out toneat, came home in a food coma, slept for five hours lol }
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