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Old August 4th, 2017, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

''Hey!'' Mixedfur let out a deep chuckle, mixed with a purr upon his mate's touch. Of course, she was going to be like that. No matter what, she was not a true Riverclan cat herself. Mixedfur somewhat wondered if she felt like an outcast. Which was hard to believe; Splashheart was probably one of the most friendliest cats around! ''I'm just being honest. Those frogbrains gonna cause havoc on...'' He trailed off. Maybe...he should be nice. The tom knew he didn't want to face his mate's wrath. Even if she wasn't pregnant, he didn't want to look in her murderous gaze because he wasn't being the nicest.

Mixedfur snorted upon Splashheart's words about her brother. The tom was...different in a sense. He couldn't explain it well, but he knew Foxthorn didn't care about what anyone thought of him. Just waltzing through the clans like he owned it. Mixedfur actually had gotten used to the presence of Foxthorn. Their kits very much adored their uncle. Mixedfur raised an 'eyebrow' at Splashheart at the news of Snowstar. ''New deputy? What's going on in Thunderclan that they always have to have a new deputy or something?'' Mixedfur smirked, nudging his head towards Splashheart. He rolled his eyes upon hearing about Roarclaw. ''Glad I'm growing on him.'' Mixedfur let out a chuckle, bowing his head to give his paws a couple washes afterwards. ''I am a pretty lovable tom. It was bound to happen anyway.'' He was joking obviously. He knew most of Splashheart's family was iffy about him. And, that was alright with the tom. He still had their sister either way. In a sense, he had won. ''Maybe we should bring the kits to the border...once all that chaos stop happening with Windclan and Thunderclan. Our kits shouldn't be in the midst of all that. Snowstar and Blazingstar needs to get their minds together and keep peace. Besides--as you said, Snowstar is close to kitting, right? It would be a bad to be starting anything when she has a family to think about.'' For a moment, he was distant. Thinking of his kits, as he looked at both of them, then turning back to their mother. ''Whenever did you become the little gossiper?'' He purred, affectionately. ''You know a lot that's going on. More than me!'' He gave her a curious look, and awaited her response. It was a bit odd that she knew so much, but he pretty much figured it had to be Foxthorn giving her this information.
"Dont you finish that sentence." Splashheart warned lightly, but there was an amused smile on her face. The blue/gray she-cat settled beside him, gently bumping her head against his shoulder. She didnt see anything wrong with the ShadowClan cats currently. They just needed somewhere to stay. Splashheart understood that RiverClan and ShadowClan had never been that close from the start, but she also knew that she wasnt truly RiverClan anyway. She didnt have anything against them. "I dont want our kits going around causing trouble with the ShadowClan warriors," The she-cat added, eyeing him. Sometimes Mixedfur was a bad influence, but she loved him all the same. After all... He wasnt any worse than Foxthorn.

Splashheart couldnt help but smirk as he snorted when she brought up her brother. She knew Mixedfur and Foxthorn got along better than Mixed got along with any of her other siblings. It was Roarclaw she had to worry about... She didnt want her kits to grow up fatherless, after all. Roarclaw may be getting used to Mixedfur but Splashheart didnt really think Roarclaw liked him exactly. So yes... Splashheart was quite wary with those two. At Mixedfur's question about the deputies, Splashheart chuckled. "At least they didnt go through as many deputies as ShadowClan." She said thoughtfully, then smirked at his next words. "I'd still watch out around him. You know Roarclaw can be unpredictable."

The she-cat's ears twitched as he spoke again, and she found herself nodding in agreement. "Well, im sure Snowstar will stop the drama thing after she has her kits. You know how pregnant she-cats are." She smirked. Splashheart knew her own pregnancy had taken quite a toll on Mixedfur - She had been so snappy, more than usual. But now she felt tons better, and she was sure her sister would, too. Splashheart snorted at Mixedfur's words, giving him an amused glance. "I've always been a gossiper. Foxthorn tells me everything I need to know." She smirked.



Squirrelkit slid out into the clearing, relishing the sunlight. The she-kit smiled, the first thing she did was glance around to see if Mixedfur was in the clearing. Sure enough, he was, and so was Splashheart. They seemed to be talking about something, but Squirrelkit was okay with that. She'd rather show her new flirt-mate off to her brother first anyway.

The she-kit glanced back to ensure Hollowkit was following, and smiled. "They're talking right now." She informed him. "Lets find my brother first. Im sure he'd like to meet you." Im sure he'd like to run off and tell Daddy all about you, She added silently, her paws itching with anticipation as she looked around. Now, where was Fiercekit?
When Angels Fall With Broken Wings
I Can't Give Up, I Can't Give In
When All Is Lost And Daylight Ends
I'll Carry You, And We Will Live

Profile picture drawn by my lovely girlfriend, Stardust
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