Thread: Cat Generator
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Old August 4th, 2017, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: Cat Generator

Originally Posted by Milky Way View Post
All I really need is a personality. Here's her wip page, but I just cant flesh out a personality for her. I was thinking something along the lines of defending other cats and her being very outspoken and kind, but that's all I've got. Could you help? I know its not the form though, sorry.
No need to be sorry, you're good! :)
( I imagined her kinda energetic....)
Monarch paw is a sweet, kind, loving, and sometimes rather direct cat who always has one's back. If her personality had a type, she'd be like a sidekick: adventurous and not afraid to take on a challenge. Monarchpaw enjoys being the apprentice that everyone can rely on to step up for them, it comes with her instant: whenever a cat is being picked on her put down, Monarchpaw swoops into action and tells that cat off using her direct words she's not afraid to whip out when needed. she's a giant helper, whenever someone is feeling down; for example after she tells a bully off, she will try her absolute hardest to put a smile on their face, wether is busting out some silly faces or comforting them with soft words. Monarch paw doe snot take teasing lightly, whenever a cat is slacking off, being annoying, or picking on others she is determined to make them stop. She will march up to them and tell them to cut it out. Usually, she has two sides: a kind, soft-spoken, motherly-doe side of her, and the blunter direct and outspoken side. Monarch paw doesn't get easily annoyed, but after a while she will get irritated and flat out tell the annoying cat to hit the road. Sometimes, she mixes up truthful and blunt opinions. Sometimes she thinks that telling someone to stop being so scared is the same as telling someone they're practically coward, but in those cases Monarchpaw is usually annoyed at the deserving cat.To sum her up, she is sweet and kind to those who need comfort, rambunctious and spunky, and straightforward when someone needs a telling to. She's very self confident in herself, and always believes whats right, even if she is being stubborn.