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Old August 4th, 2017, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
Blue Wishes

He could hear his heart drumming in his ears, he could feel the pulse of the beating rhythm down to his tail tip. He had heard the news from Russetstar, their territory falling apart around them, he felt so much pity towards the other clan, how many lives they had lost. The black tom sprinted as fast as he could in the direction of the Shadowclan Riverclan border, the rain pelted against his face, he had to get there as fast as possible, he had to help somehow. As soon as he both there he slid to a stop, the mud sloshed beneath his paws, he would never be able to forget what he saw. Most of the Warriors looked as if they had lost their souls, their eyes were...cold, lifeless. He shuddered and turned his attention to the territory, which was practically just mud and falling trees. The deputy continued to catch his breath for a few moments before he padded forward and looked for...someone, anyone who would hold some sort of ranking with the clan, their leader was speaking with his own which meant that the deputy had to be there, somewhere, buried within the horde of Shadowclan cats. His blue orbs searched for anyone, the deputy was preferred, but he would go with a senior warrior or the medicine cat as well. Fallenstream started guiding cats in the direction of Riverclan, speaking loudly against the storm overhead. He had no idea of knowing who it was, the ebony colored tom hadn't met the new deputy at the gathering, or rather, the other way around, since he was the new deputy. After a few moments of thinking about how to reach someone with some leadership experience and how to quickly deal with these wounded and tired cats he came to one conclusion "WHERE IN THE NAME OF STARCLAN IS YOUR DEPUTY?!" He shouted, granted it wasn't the best conclusion maybe it would get him something, and for the moment that's all he needed.
Goldeneye was still panicked. They were in Riverclan territory now, and that was a relief, but, still, he had no idea how many cats had died or gotten stuck or anything like that. Part of him wanted to look, but everything else in his body was screaming at him to go towards Riverclan camp like anyone else. That part ended up winning over, and he found himself following the stream of cats. He had no idea where Halestar was, and that panicked him. What if Halestar had gotten into an argument with Russetstar and something bad had happened? Would Shadowclan still be accepted to take refuge then? He didn't know. Maybe he was over analyzing everything, but he didn't think so. Anxiety was a beautiful thing, hitting the deputy at the worst times. His golden and green eyes were wide, and his fur was plastered to him. He did not enjoy this feeling, shivering, trying to shake the rain off only to bombarded with more. He had tried this sevral times by now, and each and every time, the same thing had happened. He pushed to the side of the cats a bit, now watching them to make sure no one needed help, and he noticed one cat that seemed to almost be swimming against the current of cats. He was now watching that cat, fearing for their safety, since they were going against a flood of cats. Maybe they were going after a loved one, a kit, a cat that was hurt, the deputy didn't know, but he was watching that cat closely. It wasn't a cat he recognized however, and it was hard to locate a scent, with the fishy smell of Riverclan and the Shadowclan one that smelled simply like air to him, he couldn't identify a single scent. Suddenly, he heard that cat cry out, well, it was more like a yell. A yell for a deputy. That must've been for him, though it was hard to tell over all the cats. "I'm over here!" He yelled in response, now starting to make his way over to the other cat, not knowing who would be waiting for him at the end.
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