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Old August 5th, 2017, 12:56 AM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
The ebony warrior shot his younger sibling a weary smile and sat himself down a few mouse lengths away, the two facing each other. His younger sibling was unique to say the least, most of the time he feels as though he's talking to two Pleasentpaws rather than one. He didn't know what to make of it, although he's never acted oddly towards his younger brother he still felt as though he should be cautious when approaching the younger, often times he just had that...murdous aura. Oddly enough, it reminded him a little of himself, and just the thought of that terrified him. The ebony tom never wanted any of his siblings to be like him in anyway shape or form, he was dangerous, this came to light after speaking with Waterstreak, after apologizing over and over, and after being forgiven. He pushed away the dark thoughts and focused his blue orbs on the smaller tom, nothing gave away his thoughts, "You seem bored...isnt it that time of day where you run off on some silly adventure and come back half alive?" he asked, his brow quirking in amusement. His brother had a huge taste for adventure, and trouble, much more than his own desire. Although the eldest didn't mind a stroll here or there he liked swimming or sleeping in the sun more. Speaking of sleeping, the deputy let out a big yawn and then a sneeze, "Uh, ow. Anyways, I'll go hunt you a fish if you tell me what's on your mind." he offered, noticing that Pleasentpaw was deep in thought when he waddled over. He also hoped that speaking to his brother would take his mind off the earlier events that day, sadness and anger ignited within Fallenstreams soul. He let out a huff and pouted "mm not fat..." he mumbled to himself, his tail lashing behind him. The deputy had many sides to him, much like his brother, he was serious, hot-headed, and cheerful when addressing his clanmates, but when with his family, he could be childlike, and easy going, it could be quite the sight if one was not accustomed to his mood changes. Now of course his statement wasn't directed to his brother, oh no, it was directed to a certain, snobbish windclan warrior who mistook the black warrior's muscle for fat, now of course that wouldn't have ticked him off so much, but the fact that it was right in front of Honeypool made him not only angry, but slightly self conscious as well, not that he was fat or anything, but hey, no one can tell wether its fat or muscle under his fur...right?
The thoughts of the deputy were more correct than he knew. There was indeed another side to Pleasantpaw, a darker side, a vile side. But, no one knew of it, not even Pleasantpaw. The apprentice still had yet to discover this other side of him. The Tuxedo had had his suspicions now and again that there was something different about him. Each time that he skimmed the line of death, he had felt this strange feeling surge up in yet. But then it died down once he was out of trouble. It always came too quickly for him to think about it and see what would happen if he pushed it further. He would have to blame his intelligence for this. Being quick-thinking and smart meant that he could quickly escape death’s grasp after a trip up here and there. It also meant that he never had enough time to study the powerful feeling inside of him.
As his brother spoke, he pushed back all his thoughts and concentrated on his words for a bit. “My adventures are not silly. In fact they teach me things that no one could ever teach me,” Pleasantpaw responded. His voice serious but his eyes amused. All of his siblings knew about his taste for adventure. Most of them included danger and trouble, but that was the life that he liked living. Half the time, it wasn’t even him that was searching for trouble. Rather, trouble came running towards him. “It should be, but I decided to take a break today. I want to know more about our clan mates, so I thought I might as well study them and eavesdrop a bit,” He continued, giving his brother an innocent grin. What he was doing could be considered by some to be too nosy, but the Tuxedo pretended to take no notice of that. “Alright. I was just wondering why those ShadowClan cats had to come to our clan, of all the clans,” Pleasantpaw said, the lie slipping off his tongue smoothly. From the strange words that his brother had muttered, he had assumed that something was distressing the deputy. This was another great talent of his. He was great at detecting emotions and he could gather information just by looking at someones face. He was planning on asking him how being deputy was, but he doubted he wanted to talk about that either, seeing as he knew Fallenstream wasn’t the biggest fan of higher ups. The tom didn’t normally care about upsetting others in any way, but he didn’t want to do that to his brother.


Timidly, the orange tabby took a step into RiverClan’s camp. She focused on her paws as she gathered the courage to take enough steps to carry her to a quiet corner of the camp. Once she reached his, she crouched down and shrank back into the shadows like a little kit. Finally, she dared to look up. Gazing around, she could spot a few other ShadowClan cats in the camp. Why did Halestar have to choose this clan of all clans to receive shelter from? Here she felt her paranoia growing and she felt out of place. She would’ve felt out of place in any camp other than her own, but she felt especially out of place here. She’d never had much of a liking for RiverClan. Leaves from a branch that arched over her shaded her from the rain and helped her feel a bit more secure. The shadow’s hid her and Dazzlinggaze was praying to StarClan that no one would notice her. Whether they were from her clan or not. She knew that ShadowClan’s situation was bad and she didn’t really want to talk to anyone about it. How many lives would their unstable territory claim? The she-cat had experienced death enough times for her to be sure she wanted no more to do with it. Enough of her loved ones had left her that now she was convinced into having no friends. She didn’t want to become too attached to someone and be hurt again.
The warrior wasn’t sure how long she would stay like this, because she would eventually have to get up and find some food. Water wouldn’t be a problem since there was plenty of that. But maybe she could hide out beneath this branch through the night and leave early in the morning so that she wouldn’t have to bump into anyone. This was how desperate she was to not make friends. She just had to pray that the shadows would keep her hidden. But how was she supposed to hide when her dazzling emerald eyes stood out so clearly?

A new character site is in progress!

Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen

Last edited by Empress Of Evil; August 5th, 2017 at 12:57 AM.
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