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Old August 14th, 2017, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Okay...when you hunt, don't make noise. Avoid obstacles. Avoid anything that makes noise. Keep your tail up. Maybe...can I do? Ugh! My tail is so fluffy though! I hate it! But, it's extremely a feather. I love it. But, I hate it. Now, I'm confused. What was I doing again? Chrysanthemumshade lifted herself from a hunting crouch. Her mind was in a frenzy. She didn't notice the other tom approaching her, and it made her jump slightly. But, cooled once she took a whiff of the family's or Shadowclan scent. Even though she been in Riverclan for a few days, she was still slightly untrusting towards the other cats. Yet, she wanted to impress anyone that wasn't from her clan. But, this cat-- Mudtuft was different. She seen him around every now and then, but she hardly tried to talk to him. Cats like him were bad news. Very bad news. And, now he was talking to her. Chrysanthemumshade looked up, tilting her head towards the tom. He asked if she needed help. Did she look like she needed help!? No--of course, she did! She was a terrible Hunter. She figured, he would actually help her. But, maybe, she just didn't feel like hunting. At his next words, the she cat began to roll her eyes. Ah, yup. How could she forget how much of a flirt he could be. "Ah, thank you for having faith in me," she giggled lightly. She couldn't catch a thing even if she tried. Multiple times she had. Multiple times, she failed. "I need the optimism, but hunting is probably not suit." She looked away for a moment, then turned back to him, checking him over with her foresty hues. "But, sure, if you wanna'll probably be doing most of the work anyway." She laughed. Toms like Mudtuft liked to flirt, She cats like Chrysanthemumshade? Played along for the praise, but honestly she would had liked to claw his ears off of he went too far.

Mudtuft nodded. He could tell. The molly didn't even seem to be focusing on hunting. Rather her mind seemed to be wondering. Classic. However, he had started the conversation, he needed to end it. Not quickly though. He was enjoying it. It was rather fun to flirt. Especially when he knew Chrysanthemumshade hated flirting. "In that case, I would give you a lesson," he started, taking a step closer. This was simple. "But you're not an apprentice. I wouldn't want to offend you." That was the truth, though if she did disagree with him, when he made a serious statement, well, lets just say he was ready. Mudtuft also made his voice innocent and sweet near the end, so that it sounded like he didn't really care to much. He did. But Mudtuft doesn't show.
Inactive on here~

Last edited by Cosmo; August 14th, 2017 at 03:27 PM.
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