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Old August 16th, 2017, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Doodle View Post

Once the tom was laying down comfortably, he shifted his gaze over to the molly beside him to pay attention to their conversation. This clearing was certainly very loud, one of the side effects of housing two clans in a camp made for one. It was almost hard to hear his own thoughts when he was down there within the crowd, but now that he was up on the rock the babbles below were softened slightly. It was much easier for the bright cat to pick up Chrysanthemumshade's words up here; Sunmist guessed that trying to have a conversation down below would be almost impossible. At the very least, there would be a lot of repeating involved. "Well then, she knows a lot more flowers than me," the tom commented with a chuckle. He could have guessed that her complicated- yet uniquely beautiful- prefix was based on some sort of plant, but he had no clue what a chrysanthemum flower looked like. "Besides, I wouldn't blame her for naming you that- it's a very beautiful one, if a bit complicated and hard to pronounce. Still, I'll take you up on that offer- now I won't have to worry about getting it wrong." A slight chuckle accompanied his words, and his tail flicked in a content way behind him. The sun was beginning to warm his pelt and all the stress of his duties were starting to wash away, allowing him to mellow out a bit. He had a reputation for being strict, but he was taking a friend's advice a lot lately and allowing himself to relax from time to time.

The orange cat's eyes had even begun to slip closed, when he noticed the she-cat observing him. Amber orbs flickered back open in time to catch the adorable tilt of Chrys's head that went along with her question. "Yup, that'd be me," Sunmist confirmed. He was slightly tempted to joke and claim the molly was wrong, but he didn't know her enough for that. She might get upset over it, plus he only really goofed off with his best friend or the kits. But anyways, the two hadn't really talked before and he wasn't sure if he should be glad that the other knew his name. Did this mean she had heard things about him? If so, hopefully they were all good and no bad, but there was no telling. For all he knew, she could have a bad impression of him right now- he hoped he could prove them wrong, if so, during their chat. Otherwise, he'd just know to be a bit more careful if he should ever approach Chrysanthemumshade. "Well, you are pretty small compared to me- and I mean that in no offensive way, of course," he agreed with her comment, another chuckle rumbling up his throat. The tabby's whiskers twitched in amusement at her giggle. He had to admit it was pretty cute, and seemed to be a constant with this she-cat. Sunmist only grew more amused as the other started tripping over her words, trying to correct herself as to not offend the tom- which, of course, he wasn't. Even if he had been, he was known for being very courteous in situations where he had been angered, still keeping his cool even if another was trying to insult him. So, there was no way he would be snappish with the gray feline beside him. "Well, I'm glad I intruded myself," he teased the molly before quickly moving on. Sure, it had been slightly flirty- but he wasn't one of those heavily flirty toms, so it was more so meant as a tease than anything else. He didn't want Chrys thinking that he was trying to hit on her or anything, when they had only officially met mere moments before.

"Well, I'm a bit shaken up, but trying to move on. I haven't had it nearly as bad as others in our clan, so it feels wrong to be... affected, when nothing terrible has truly happened to me." Sure, Sunmist had been right in the camp to witness the water spilling in, seemingly out of nowhere. And sure, he was very aware of each and every cat that had been in the camp while he exited- still he would periodically scan the crowd as if to spot one of these cats, relief flooding him when he realized one of those that he left behind was alright. Yes, he blamed himself for each cat that he realized hadn't made it out after him, telling himself there was something more he could have done, but when it came down to it what had happened was irreversible. What mattered most is that he protected what clanmates he had, including little Shadekit that he carried into Riverclan camp himself. The tom's slow blink was the only thing that gave away the inner turmoil he was facing alone- a flash of guilt and sadness appeared in his eyes, but were gone when they reopened. "I can agree with you on that," the feline murmured. "Kits are so young and precious, still innocent to the horrors of the world. They should be cherished and vigorously protected. Kits are the future of our clan, and as such certainly are the most important- to me at least." He quickly grew concerned for the molly when she seemed to suddenly lock herself up, guarding herself after mentioning her newer family members. Sunmist tilted his head, completely understanding of how Chrysanthemumshade felt at the moment. "Yes, we'll all be avoiding water like it's greencough. I'm glad your niece and nephew are alright." He flashed a small smile, before he quickly grew abashed. He was never one to flourish with praise, rather he became embarrassed and awkward, not quite liking to boast. "Thank you, but certainly there are others out there just as good- if not better- than I. Toms and mollies alike that the clan could use right now." The tom firmly believed that every cat was equal and, if they put effort in, could prove of great use to Shadowclan. He wasn't one to discriminate and greatly discouraged others if they tried to do so, reprimanding them for looking down on someone with potential.

(Excuse any of my posts where the paragraphs look a bit wonky. My computer is being weird and keeps moving my sentences down a line randomly... I think I fixed all of it in this one though.)
Chrysanthemumshade laid down, repeating the tom's actions. She had been laying down previously, until he made his presence known. So, she had got up for him to have room. She hardly took any space, but was still happy that he gave her- her space. That was nice of him. So, she laid down, swishing her tail lightly behind her. The cats below didn't concern her. They were there. A crowded mess, but she was up here. Having an amusing conversation with this tom. She had heard around that he was quite the bossy one. That he took matters seriously. But, as she was having a conversation with him, he seemed more...mellow, amusing than what she heard about him. It was good that she observed cats more than gossiped with others. She would really have liked to gotten to know him. "That makes the two of us. mother," Only, she wasn't like her mother. At all. Her mother was a conniving one that morphed Cheysanthemumshade's mind to be...not herself. But, she didn't want others to know this, so she spoke of her mother like she was a regular one. A regular mother who loved her kits with all her heart. And, maybe she was, only Chrysanthemumshade received the harsher end of the stick. Then, she giggled. "None taken! I actually adore my name. It's...different. I get that a lot. But, thank you for trying anyway. It wasn't so bad," she purred at him. "Your's is simple though." She said- then blinked her eyes. Simple? She hoped that it wasn't an insult to him. "Not that your name isn't any less special. It goes with your pelt color, which is very handsome by the way." She complimented. She had silently cursed herself for "insulting" his name. He was named for his pelt. Which was very handsome. He was a handsome tom, that wasn't a lie.

"Good," she laughed. "There's a lot of cats...but I'd figure you would be the one to 'stand' out." Chrysanthemumshade knew a few of the cats within her own clan. Some would be gossipers- mainly she cats who would find the littlest things about toms. Whether they were cute, whether they were not. Chrysanthemumshade didn't really pay any attention to these conversations, but apart of her wanted to fit in. She wanted to join the club. She wanted friends more than the ones she got. Even if they never got to know the 'true' her. She didn't want to be alone. She hoped that she would be able to call Sunmist a friend...and, maybe even show him a bit of her actual personality. A sharp voice told no. Never. That side was to stay hidden. She was suppose to become the she cat that he liked to see. "Hey," she gazed at him with friendly green eyes. "I like being small. Nothing wrong with that. I can fit into spaces that you probably cannot," she was joking, obviously, and she hoped that she could with him. Or, what if he took that the wrong way? Chrysanthemumshade couldn't take back the words because they were already out there. She just had to watch what she had to say. Besides that, she was quite afraid of any cat larger than her. Like, this tom. That irritable shivering came back, but she knew, deep down that he wouldn't hurt a clan mate. Or, any cat that wasn't a threat for that matter. "How does it feel to be a giant anyway?" She rolled onto her back, allowing the sun to glow on her stomach. Making it appear more silverish. She began closing her eyes, relaxing next to him. She was comfortable-- at the moment. But, as he talked again, she opened her eyes, turning her head to look at him, a smile dazzlingly her features. She knew all too well that she might ruin her chances of making a new friend. And, he could had easily met another cat. But, why had he approached her? But, she simply hummed at him in response to what he said. "Intrude all you want." I could use the company- was something she chose to leave out, but her voice was so small that she doubt if he heard her at all.

"Oh, yeah..." She trailed off thinking about the flood. Though they only been here for a few days, it still affected all of them. Many had lost their love ones. And, she'd hate to admit that kits had lost their lives in the action. But, they had. And, it was sad. "So many were lost. It was such a surprise. Something that would be remembered forever. I hope we can honor the lives that had fell," she remarked, a silent sadness within her tone. She didn't like talking about the flood. Especially hearing the wails of the other cats, that some were lost in the flood. It was so scary. While she still laid on her back, her eyes stayed on Sunmist as he spoke. Her hues sparkled in amazement. The way he spoke about, Chrysanthemumshade absolutely adored kits. And, baby bunnies. Now, that she had a niece and nephew-- she would be spending so much time with them. She loved kits. This tom loved kits. Not many toms could say that they felt so strong towards the small little beings. "Wow," she breathed. "Well, wouldn't you be every she cat's dream? Question, though. You don't have a mate or kits of your own?" The question was already out. She had been curious. What molly wouldn't want him as her mate? He seem to take action, be strict-- and, loved kits? Was it all just a facade? But, she figured he didn't have a mate or kits just how the way he said things. Like, wouldn't he told her that he saved his family or something? Yet, she didn't want to assume that he didn't. He was a good looking tom! He could land any she cat he wanted, perhaps. "Now, I hope I'm not the one intruding," she paused, giggling slightly. Goodness! How many times have she giggled? She was quite easy to get into a laughing fit. "I'm just wondering. The way you talk about would probably have an entire clan of she cats swooning." That was the truth. Well, for any she cat that wanted kits. Though that would had been a long while for Chrysanthemumshade to get into that groove...she was actually really scared of that part in her life. "Yeah, I'm happy they are alright too. I plan on seeing them later today. Just to check on them and my sister." They were extremely tiny when they arrived here. Though it was Coldhearted's job to look after them, Chrysanthemumshade cared a lot about her littermate. And, she adored her new kind. "And, I hope that yours is safe as well." She flickered her eyes upwards for a moment to analyze the sky, a soft sigh escaping her mouth. As she heard his next words, she nodded. Though she giggled. Once again. What was wrong with her? Maybe, giggling too much would had made the tom draw away from her. So, instead, she cleared her throat and trailed her orbs to look at him once more, her eyes traveling over his pelt in an aimless manner. "Modest, too?" She giggled once more-- Darn! She messed up again. "Sorry, I...don't know what's wrong with me. But, yeah-- there must be a lot of toms and mollies alike that are as passionate as you are. It would be great if we all could be like that." She knew she could try to be like that. Maybe, he would had liked that. "There's potential in everyone. just needs a little push." She said, bringing her eyes upward again to look at the clouds. The mixture colors of the sky. How beautiful it was. Everything...everywhere. Nature was just stunning. And, the sky was an art like no other.

( I don't see anything wrong with your post! Then again, I had posted this from mobile cx )