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Old August 23rd, 2017, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Leafsparks was uncomfortable. No, he was extremely uncomfortable. His eyes darted around and he swallowed slightly, as though he thought there was an escape out of this around the corner. "N - no, that's not-" But his voice was cut off by her ranting. He should have listened. She was insane, others had told him. He was crazy to think she was misunderstood. But it was part of his nature. He knew now. He knew that he had made a mistake. What he wasn't counting on? Minnowstripe acting like this afterwards. "Minnowstripe, please - just listen to me. I... it just can't work this way." What was he supposed to say? What could he say? She was so angry, he couldn't say anything. Leafsparks lowered his head, looking at the ground, swallowing semi-hard as he struggled to find the words to say to her. She was obviously broken-hearted. It wasn't Leafsparks fault that she had gotten so attached, he'd been trying to find a way to just... de-attach her before it came to this, but he couldn't find one. And this wasn't going so well. He just hoped she wouldn't lash out at him.

"That's a little strong, don't you think?" He watched her, hoping that she wasn't going to continue on. Minnowstripe would be fine. Someone else with a good heart would be able to deal with her, but not... not him. She was too much for him. She had a crazy spirit and it was breaking down Leafsparks bit by bit. This was the best for both of them. He wasn't selfish! He was... smart. "I'm sorry." It was all he could say, and he was sorry. He was very sorry that he had to leave her like this, but like he had said - it just couldn't work this way. He wished he could think of something, anything encouraging to say to her - there had to be something! He thought for a moment before speaking again. "You deserve better. It'll be okay, okay?" Leafsparks was praying to StarClan that she would believe him. It had to be okay, because he couldn't handle her in this state. It was difficult enough when she was being obsessive, but hearing her beg like that, and rant at him - no. He couldn't do it.

Leafsparks couldn't stay with this she cat for the rest of his life and he hoped that she could understand. He needed to find someone else, although he was still young and there was time, simply because he needed to move on as quickly as possible. Find a way to get "off the market," so to speak, and then Minnowstripe could rant all she wanted. Act however she liked. She couldn't get to him... he would be taken. And she would have to find someone else. Someone that could handle her, wherever a tom crazy enough to handle her might be living. There couldn't be one in ThunderClan. He was absolutely certain she had taken all the fight out of ThunderClan toms. They wouldn't be able to deal with her, unless she could seduce one enough. It was just too bad she was so posessive. If she wasn't, Leafsparks would have stayed with her, but... no. She was just too much for him at this moment in time, at this moment in his life.
(I'm so sorry this took so long ;w; Writers block hit me hard and right in the face)

She didn't want to listen to him, his excuses, his lies. He wasn't sorry. Minnowstripe should have seen this coming from a mile away. Starclan! How could I be so stupid! "Stupid.... Stupid...." She quietly chanted, her body quivering like a scared kit right at his paws and the tears that had been held back now flowing freely down her stained cheeks. How could she even handle this? The loss of her truly true love? Minnow had wanted a family with this cat. A lifetime of love, someone she could obsess and daunt over without them being afraid of her for once. Why were they always so incredibly afraid? I'm going to be alone forever... I'm going to die alone and pathetic and hated... An uncomfortable silence shifted over the molly, only chokes and sniffles sounding around them. And then complete silence. It was serene with how Minnowstripe had been lighting him up just moments before.



With a gentle gust of wind, shaking the lush green leaves from their paralysis, electricity seemed to crackle throughout the clearing as Minnowstripe rose from her kit-like position. Everything about her was... darker. "Maybe I don't want better, hell I don't need better!" She spat, her tail lashing back and forth. "Whatever... Just go." There was a hint of melancholy laced in her voice. She was letting him go, but she would get him back... I will get him back.

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