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Old August 28th, 2017, 12:29 PM
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Stormpelt Stormpelt is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Myik View Post
The tom flicked his ears up, sitting up as he licked his whiskers. "Rogue? That is all I am? I'm a living creature, a cat. I served Windclan until they betrayed me. I watched loners and stray kitty pets starve because of Clan cats being selfish. And having to have every single piece of prey in their territory." The tom inched closer to the she-cat, tail wrapped around his paws. "So, you want me to leave? Oh come on, I can do what I want!"

When the tom walked towards instead of walking back she took a step forward as well. "That.Is exactly. What you are.", The Molly muttered. "You are a cat but you are still a rogue, and I have no business with what happened between you and Windclan.", She spat at the tom. "Maybe they starve because they don't have the gut or skill too feed themselves for the heck I know they might be feeding off of two-legs!", She yelled taking a step closer. "Oh and yes I do want you too leave. I don't give two rats fur what you think you can do, but being in this territory is not a good idea.", Stormpelt growled in his face