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Old August 30th, 2017, 04:49 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Whitestep emerged from the Nursery, gaping her jaws in a yawn. Her teeth glistened in the sunlight. Whitestep glanced back at her kits who were now arguing about who would be the best warrior. "I'll be the best stalker in ALL of ShadowClan," Owlkit declared. The kit puffed out her white chest and stuck her pink nose in the air defiantly. All the kit fluff had vanished from this kit, and she was ready to be an apprentice. As were all her other siblings. "Well, I'll be the best hunter," Berrykit snorted. "Food is what really helps the Clan." Ah, yes, arrogant and silly Berrykit. Berrykit loves to play pranks on any cat who despises him. Thus, Berrykit is despised even more. Hollykit shyly glanced up. "But don't we need to be strong too?" Hollykit, the shy and fragile black and white tom. He wants to be the strongest fighter to make up for his fragility. However shy he is, Hollykit was named for his prickly responses and spikey fur. The tom was never quick to anger, unless you really pushed him to the limit. Hollykit has anxiety as well. As soon as a cat yelps in pain, he's there asking if they're okay. "Well, we could try to be friendly," Willowkit suggested. Willowkit was the sweetest of the four. She never wanted to fight, and she never wants to hurt other creatures. Willowkit knew, however, that she must. Whitestep pondered what her mentor would say. Willowkit was much unlike her strong twin brother, Berrykit. She was gentle and kind, and always patient. Even more patient than Hollykit! Berrykit sniffed. "Then what would the other Clans think of us?" "Well we are sharing camps with RiverClan," Owlkit butted in. Berrykit shut his mouth with a defiant glare. Owlkit seemed like the leader of the four, ordering them around as if she were a senior warrior and they were new warriors. However, she was never too bossy. Whitestep drew the soon-to-be apprentices forward. "Let's go introduce ourself to some cats," she offered. "It might take your mind off of your future." The four kits quietly agreed and started off beside their mother.

( @Tigress )
:”3 Yikes. Talk about a hiatus.
I’m back and gayer! than ever!!
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