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Old September 3rd, 2017, 08:25 AM
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Default Re: Thunderclan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications;

kit - paw - flower
Calm down! You’ll never have to say those words to Burnet. It’s more like “Hurry up!” that you would say with her around. Because, you see, Burnet is calm and collected. One who would prefer to watch than to be out there doing everything. Well, let me rephrase that. One who would prefer to watch than to be out there doing most things. There are some things, that Burnet might do more than you would expect. You see, even if she is not one to crave all the attention, she isn’t one who would want to leave the fighting to everyone else. Even if she doesn’t show it in the same way, that doesn’t make it any different. She wants to become a great warrior, maybe even leader some day, but really, she just wants to be able to be loved by most everyone. She doesn’t flirt. She doesn’t cause drama. She’s that cat you can go to when you need love, when you need care, when you need help. She will love you forever, even if you do not love her back, that doesn’t matter to her. She just knows that every cat needs love, even if they don’t show it. Whether it’s romantic love, or friendship, she knows every cat needs to find it at some point. She doesn’t like drama either. She hates it. She tends to hang out with toms, for she believes it’s less drama. Burnet tries her best to get every cat to understand that, sadly sometimes it doesn’t work. Everything can’t go right. She also is terrible at persuading cats. She thinks its begging. She doesn’t want to make cats do things against their will. “It’s wrong.” However, as i’m sure it was explained before, this molly has a little daredevil in her. It’s no fun to just sit around while everyone else gets to play. So, sometimes she decides she needs to spend time playing. Playing with her friends. Now, she sticks to the sidelines or plays daredevil most of the time. But she isn’t afraid to call you out if you’re doing something wrong. If you lie, you got a sharp-tongued gal coming at you. It goes away in about a minute, but I’m sure you can tell that she really isn’t just the sweetest, because, no one can be.
Ref | Ref
Now that we have covered the basics, let me tell you a little bit more about Burnetkit. A bit of background and where she is currently,
siblings and such. You see, Burnetkit's mother, Robinfur has a bit of a problem with ever falling in love with a tom from her clan, resulting in many half siblings. Burnetkit is one out of two kits of a litter with Horseradish and Robinfur, the other one being Ravelledkit. This molly, as I'm sure you can tell is quiet, but her brother is two. They might be two of the quietest kits in the nursery, as the prefer not to talk. I'm sure you read the personality though, as Burnet is protective and not afraid to fight. She actually kind of craves adventure out of the clans. To learn why her father, is never there.

Burnetkit, why would it interest you to become the medicine cat apprentice?
Huh? Oh, well... I'm not exactly the type who might be the greatest warrior in the clans, because honestly, I'm always quiet, what if cats think I'm weak?
It sound's like you're power hungry.
I wouldn't put it that way. I just am more of the kind to watch, unless of course there is a good play fight to join... Is there one over there?
It can wait.
So, would there be anything important you would do?
Medicine cats heal the clan, that's important.
I mean something other medicine cats didn't do.
I guess I could look for new herbs if that's what you mean, or I could easily sense if the herbs had gone bad. Though I think all medicine cats can do that.
You can go now.
Okay.. I think I'll go hang out in my mother's nest and wait until there's a fun game to play.
As for plots..
1. She is rather distant for a while, because she is confused about her father. Wheatfur may have to help her understand that her loyalty lies with ThunderClan

Inactive on here~

Last edited by Cosmo; September 3rd, 2017 at 08:27 AM.