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Old September 5th, 2017, 04:03 AM
Nettleclaw Nettleclaw is offline
The Tribal Goat Boy
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Default Re: Glenclan Chronicles 2

Originally Posted by Raggedclaw View Post
Feeling the shift, Hawkface rolled onto his side an then opened his eyes. He huffed and pulled himself to his paws afterward and used his paw to pull Mothpaw close. He groomed his aporentice, who felt more like a son to him these days. He had promised the 'paws father who had been an old and dear friend, that he would care for Mothpaw, and he had every intention too.

Softtail shifted uncomfortably, her swollen belly making it a bit hard to sleep. She hated that they were here, and not even given nests. You'd think decent cats like she thought her clan was would at least treat a soon-to-be-mother with a little more care.
Its so quiet, as if the whole clan were ghosts. Everyone whispers and hisses amongst themselves as they traverse the clearing, Glenclan is no longer the bustling tribe of cats it used to be, in fact, its probably no longer Glenclan.

Foxstar sticks her head into the steep den and yowls down to them, "Its time, get up and get out! Try anything else against me and youll be killed on the spot!"

Mothpaw shivered at her voice and buried his face in Hawkface's paw. Stormbreeze looked away to tend to his mate before Foxstar sends one of her followers in and hurts her. Actually, he couldnt stand to see the young apprentice cry, after all, they both witnessed how Foxstar killed his brother, Fleetstar, Mothpaw's father. He tenderly licks Softtail's cheeck, too tried and tired to change the frustrated look on his face, and sadness in his eyes. "We'd best get moving." he whispers.

Spottedpaw awakens, confused and disoriented. She stumbles around the apprentice's den, feeling like she had forgotten something important before finding her bearings. She leaves the den to find nearly the entire clan crowded around the prisoner's den, and a fair scent of blood from the ground. Still feeling very much brain fogged, she pushes herself into the crowd to see whats going on.

"Come on, we dont have all morning, and id rather not drag you out myself." Foxstar seems more impatient than usual.

Mothpaw, managing to contain himself, whispers to Hawkface, "I still dont understand. What did we do wrong?"