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Old September 8th, 2017, 07:35 PM
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Webpaw All The Way~ Webpaw All The Way~ is offline
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Default Re: The War of Dark and Light [ CLOSED! ]

Originally Posted by Aura View Post

Thorn awoke to a pained yowl. He was immediately alert, ears pricked. A strange, harsh scent entered his nostrils. It was nothing like he ever scented before. Pushing the acrid scent to the back of his mind, Thorn padded to the source of the alarming cry. The nursery. He was afraid, afraid of what caused the only queen to shriek so brokenheartedly. He pushed into the nursery, seeing Scale and Petal, by the bodies of what appeared to be- was that, half-eaten kits?! Thorn froze, mouth gaping.

Corona purred. This territory was practically hers. She had sent her best agent, her Second, Lostface, to show the soft, peace-lovers what they were dealing with. He was due to return any moment, and Corona didn't like to wait. It wasn't that she was an impatient cat, but quite the opposite. She hated disobeyment. If only her own kit wasn't such a disappointment.

Originally Posted by Role View Post

"Thank you, Scale," she replied quietly. "I know you tried to save my children." Petal looked up to see the horrified expression of Thorn. She curled her tail around the corpses. "Don't look," she pleaded. "This isn't for all eyes to see." The former rogue stared down at her kits, willing one of them to squeal. But no sounds came from the three small bodies. The kits were dead. Petal wailed with grief and curled tightly around her kits. This isn't fair! They were too young to die! You should have grown old with your mates, my loves. You should have given me grandchildren. You should have learned to hunt and fight! Petal felt more tears stream down her face. This wouldn't be the end of her kits' story. She would find the murderer, and she would kill him. Kill him for all the pain he caused her! Petal stooped to breathe in their scent for the last time, but all she could smell was blood.
Fern laid in his nest, only to get rudely awakened by the scream of a queen. He jumped up, instantly awake. His nosed burned from the smell of hatred, sorrow, and blood. He padded towards the scent, only to see a crowd form around Petal. He was disgusted to see what he saw. Kits, dead kits who were almost half eaten! Suddenly, the apprentice threw up away from the others, the smell unbearable.

Night sat in her den, her eyes staring out into the clearing, looking up at the sky. Her face was blank and her eyes read nothing, but she just stared at the sky, wondering what was going to happen..
Hey guys.. Im here to say I don't think ill be on anymore. Know I shouldn't be doing this on my signature, but I just think posting on my VMs are weird, so yeah.
Peace out
Also if your into eddsworld, expect a new story coming into play..
Episode zero is being made
so have this: