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Old November 18th, 2016, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Brooklyn Trees View Post
Ebonypaw lifted her ears back up and off of where they had been pressed against her skull. She realized that Sycamorebranch was taking this in... Well, in much the way that her temper-run brain had been intending, but not in the way that she actually wanted it to go. Many different thoughts were running through her mind. The thoughts that she may have hurt his feelings, and the thought that she was slightly angry at what she took for melodramatic behavior. She tried her best to calm down, she didn't want to make an enemy before she had even come two moons into her apprenticeship. She studied his eyes for a moment, and then spoke.
"It's up to you whether you stay or leave." She mewed.
"I won't make you leave, and I won't make you stay, so it's entirely up to you." She added, bringing her tail in another arch that swished at the leaves on the floor before coming to a rest around her paws again. She honestly wasn't sure what to do other than that, because she was still slightly angry at him, but also didn't want to make an enemy, and did feel slightly bad for him as well. She was just a bit confused and trying to calm herself down.
Sycamore was satisfied that the apprentice's answer wasn't an outright leave right now or else I'll claw off your face. He wouldn't be surprised if a moody apprentice or naive kit ever said that to him, actually, because similar situations had popped up in his life before.
But yes, Ebonypaw's answer was good. In fact, it was sort of the answer that he'd been wanting- that he didn't have to leave. That he could stay and talk for a little bit.
"Okay, then maybe..." he paused for a moment, gathering up his ideas so that unworthy thoughts didn't spill out into words by accident. "Maybe, I'll stay, and we could talk about something else." He assumed that Ebonypaw would be okay with the idea.
(Ph, I would make this longer, but I gtg.)
:: roleplayer of Halite- the former Dusk Syndicate Commander ::