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Old November 18th, 2016, 04:10 PM
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Brooklyn Trees Brooklyn Trees is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty View Post
Sycamore was satisfied that the apprentice's answer wasn't an outright leave right now or else I'll claw off your face. He wouldn't be surprised if a moody apprentice or naive kit ever said that to him, actually, because similar situations had popped up in his life before.
But yes, Ebonypaw's answer was good. In fact, it was sort of the answer that he'd been wanting- that he didn't have to leave. That he could stay and talk for a little bit.
"Okay, then maybe..." he paused for a moment, gathering up his ideas so that unworthy thoughts didn't spill out into words by accident. "Maybe, I'll stay, and we could talk about something else." He assumed that Ebonypaw would be okay with the idea.
(Ph, I would make this longer, but I gtg.)
Ebonypaw flicked an ear absent-mindedly as she watched him pause and speak, not quite sure what she was waiting for exactly but just simply watching him in the way that she liked to. She didn't really understand other cats or read their body language, but watching what they did was always interesting to her because she way never sure why they did what they did. She had calmed down a bit from her earlier... She wasn't quite sure what to call it, and 'earlier' probably wasn't the best word for it as it had only happened a few moments before.
"Like what?" She mewed, glad that her words refrained from sounding cold or hostile, though perhaps it had just been that she wasn't listening very closely to her own voice. She actually hadn't really thought of what they had been doing earlier as talking so much as... Whatever on earth it was, but 'talking' would not have been the word she would have chosen if asked to talk about it. She flicked her ear absent-mindedly again and waited for an answer.
~Techincally, the glass is always full. Whatever isn't filled with liquid or solid is filled with air.~
~Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll still land among the stars.~
~Crying doesn't mean that you are weak. Since birth it has always been a sign that we are alive.~

Hi! I’m Brook, but call me whatever you wish =^^=. I’m unfortunately not very active, and though I may come back every once in a while to say Hi, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to Roleplaying or not. Miss you guys.