Thread: SkyClan Nursery
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Old September 10th, 2017, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by CandyFlossCat View Post

A blind tortoiseshell was sitting in the nursery, her tail curled neatly around her slender frame as she smelt the familiar milkiness of the Nursery, which now clung to her pelt, and the mewing of kits in the distance. Turtleshell's pelt was neatly smoothed against her from a thorough grooming of it, making sure it was nice and clean. If she played with any kits, however, it was sure to be a waste of time. They had a way of destroying anything clean, most of them anyways, so Turtleshell didn't have her hopes of a nice pelt up high.
Bluegaze stumbled into the nursery, his blind green eye looking straight forward into the distance, while his blue eye adjusted to the gloom. So many queens and kits... he thought, and slowly padded forward, swinging his head left and right to see everything going on. Unfortunately, as he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, he crashed into a cat. He tripped and fell down onto his back, and, automatically mewed, "I'm so sorry! Are you alright? How clumsy of me, I was just looking around and wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." he sat up, and looked at the cat he had crashed into, wishing he had been paying attention to where he was going. You should know better than that, Bluegaze! Remember how you have to be extra careful and pay attention with your good eye! he scolded himself. "I'm Bluegaze, by the way. I'm so sorry!"
Suck it up and carry on.

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Last edited by Foggy22; September 10th, 2017 at 10:38 PM.