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Old September 13th, 2017, 01:12 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

The molly's voice disturbed him. It made the tom jump from inside out because she had surprised him. He wasn't paying much attention when she called out to him. And, he slowly turned his gaze to stare at the pretty feline. Ah, yes. Beefire was very pretty. Springwind - at first, always found himself avoiding her because he had seen the way she yelled at others. How she was so tough and bold. But, lately he haven't been receiving that harsh treatment from her. So, after settling down a bit, Springwind flicked his tail. ''Hi, Beefire!'' He greeted, pleasantly, with a dip of his head. She had asked if she could sit near him, and in response he simply used his tail to pat at the seat next to him. Of course, he never minded her company. He found himself enjoying it more than he should had. He watched as she started grooming her pelt, a silence coming between them. So, in order to break the ice Springwind cleared his throat. ''How are you doing today? Better I suppose?'' He asked, perking his ears. He tried to make eye contact with her, but she seemed to be avoiding it. Unless she was simply focused on cleaning her pelt, which Springwind could completely understand. And, he didn't want to disturb her in the process.
Beefire nodded her head, then looked up, accidentally looking Springwind straight into his pretty brown eyes. She debated with herself whether to look away or to continue looking at him. Eventually, she made her mind up, which was to keep looking. She was a strong, independant she-cat, she could look Springwind in the eyes! "Yes, I'm fine, thank you." Beefire replied to his question, slightly annoyed at his comment, her ears flicking slightly. "How about you? Proud that Hunterfang is a warrior?" she asked, then added slightly teasingly. "What are you going to do now, with no apprentice to teach? So much free time!"
Suck it up and carry on.

If you want to RP with me, just PM or VM me!
Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?

Last edited by Foggy22; September 13th, 2017 at 01:13 AM.