Thread: SkyClan Nursery
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Old September 15th, 2017, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by CandyFlossCat View Post
Turtleshell smiled, her tail swaying. She giggled slightly, already liking Bluegaze. "I think it was...a fox. In the territory." She mewed, giving a little nod. She remembered it, a fox a few moons ago. Turtleshell was interested in his reply, what it was like to train half-blind. "That's interesting, I would have been falling over my own paws, a bit less than I do now however." She mewed jokingly. She found it interesting how he trained with only one eye. "Oh! Right. Luckily I was basically a warrior, I just hadn't had my ceremony yet. After I got my 'warrior' name, I decided to retire to the Nursery to help out with the kits." She mewed, summarizing her story.
Bluegaze listened intently. He was amazed at how she was still so cheerful at losing her sight. He was only always cheerful because he didn't know what it's like to have two working eyes. "I see. That's nice, that you were able to move to the nursery. Did anyone bully you for it?" he asked, suddenly feeling very protective for her.
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