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Old September 16th, 2017, 06:10 PM
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Cosmo Cosmo is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
@Mystical (sorry for the late response, i haven't had reception for 4 days due to going to a school-related camp)
Sunstrike saw a she-cat, his eyes lit up as he approached Marblesky," Hello lovely." He purred casually as if he acted like that with everyone, he gently placed his tail on Marblesky. (Is Marblesky RC or SHC?)

Marblesky who had been gradually licking her paw, turned to face the cat who had purred. Stupid! It's the only tom who would do that! Sunstrike, the tom who had a mate but cheated on her every second of his life. He wouldn't care if she died Marblesky was positive. The molly shook her head, and blinked in fake innocence. Something the tom would probably find cute. Feeling his tail placing on her shoulder, she wanted to snap at him, but she had a better plan. "Now Sunny," she said clicking her tongue as if scolding him. "Who gave you permission to touch me?" Even if she was making a snappy remark, she was purring as she spoke, and she had used a sweet tone.
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