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Old November 18th, 2016, 08:25 PM
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Brooklyn Trees Brooklyn Trees is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Gusty View Post
Sycamore shrugged. He was a bit unprepared for that question, to be honest... But it didn't really matter what they'd talk about, right? It was only a topic of conversation. He'd expected Ebony to take initiative or something, but that wasn't the case.
So, Sycamorebranch shrugged again and thought of the first thing that came to his mind. "Well, we, how about animals?" His tail flicked to the side, where there was conveniently a small gray squirrel nibbling on an acorn. "Do you like them?" The tom knew that this topic was cheesy and wouldn't give a lot to talk about, but did it really matter? He liked animals, after all, and maybe Ebonypaw did too.
He stared at the furry mammal for a while, as it bounded from step to step.
"Of course, unless you find something better to talk about." The tom laughed good-naturedly-- as if the past argument hadn't happened.

(Mobile post) ////////// Ebonypaw followed the flicked movement of his tail with her blue eyes until they rested on the grey squirrel, which she had not noticed before, and scolded herself silently about letting her guard down when she could have been hunting it. After a silent moment to return her thoughts to the Tom she was speaking to she answered what he had said, but before she could open her maw he was speaking again. She wondered for a moment if that had been meant as a 'let's see you do better' sort of statement, she couldn't see that it was probably not based off of the facts of his personality because she was not very good at reading body language or tones of voice. She flicked her ear silently as she told her thoughts angrily to be quiet. She wanted to like him but her mind kept twisting his words around or taking them the wrong way, she was no longer angry and didn't want to get worked up again about something such as this, though she was no longer very calm and felt her eyes narrow back to half-slits as she waited for a moment before responding.
"If we didn't naturally like them then we would go hungry." She stated matter of factly and studied him curiously, even if she couldn't think of what she would be looking for, because she wasn't really sure what he meant by animals and took it to mean 'do you like the taste of animals' rather than to look at them or something else along that line.
~Techincally, the glass is always full. Whatever isn't filled with liquid or solid is filled with air.~
~Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll still land among the stars.~
~Crying doesn't mean that you are weak. Since birth it has always been a sign that we are alive.~

Hi! I’m Brook, but call me whatever you wish =^^=. I’m unfortunately not very active, and though I may come back every once in a while to say Hi, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to Roleplaying or not. Miss you guys.