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Old September 19th, 2017, 01:52 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Now, Mercurykit wasn't used to being tripped over. Or bumped into, rather. He turned his head around to look at Quailpaw, eyes flashing angrily. Was there a way to use her to his advantage? Time to get a bearing on what kind of a cat she was so he knew how to act around her. And this was why he observed others... so that every movement, everything he did, would mimic the type of cat that he needed to be. Shy and introverted? No problem. Outgoing and loud? More of a problem, but he could do it. Himself? Oh, the easiest one out of all of them. Although it was also the one that Mercurykit found himself being the most careful with. "Watch it yourself," He snarled, ears going back angrily. What was her type? How could he get her to want to follow him? Charming, suave, and calm was the way that the tom preferred to play it. But Quailpaw seemed like the type to go for someone with actions, not words - and the easiest way to do that was to play himself. The greatest role of all and the most demanding.

It required a hundred and ten percent, because he had to make sure that he didn't accidentally forget he was just playing himself and trying to act all charming. That wasn't him. Manipulative, cruel, harsh... hard... that was him. The type of tom who would, well, more or less clean you out of everything you had then keep you working until you died. But in the nicest way possible - or the harshest - or the most charming, it all depended on you. Now, shy and introverted definitely wasn't the way to go on this one. Outgoing and loud? Might work. Himself? Would probably work fine. Time to try something else. "Well, you bumped into me. Now you owe me your name. So give it to me - now." Short and to the point. Not anyone's type, really. Mercurykit liked that kind of she cat, but he wasn't sure if Quailpaw was. Right now he wasn't even sure if she was any use to him. So far nothing had happened to prove to him that she was.

Though he could probably guess that she was enough use to get something out of. And if he got bored and tired of her? Well, she could serve as leverage. Even at this young age, Mercurykit was imagining his future. His family future, that was. He could see himself with a family already. Full of strong kits - though he would never kill a weak one. Just work on them harder. It was the soft spot in his mind and heart, the protective and loyal side of him, the paternal side. The side that was sweet and kind and so far, Mercurykit hadn't found many flaws in that side of him.

As the kit snarled back at her, Quailpaw's ears flattened angrily against her head. Who does this kit think he is? Her tabby pelt rippled slightly with anger. She was used to being treated poorly by the other apprentices, but by a kit? That was just too far. She wasn't that small. Plus, there were cats in life who were small. And she had her strengths to her as well. She might be short and half blind, but she had amazing hearing and was one of the fastest cats you could meet.

Turning her head a bit so she could see him more clearly, Quailpaw's ears slowly perked up, as she listened to him continue to talk. Though there was not much he said, Quailpaw could discern the scorn in his voice. Or just the snappiness of it. She considered playing a game with him, by not giving him her name, but that had never been the feline's style. Playing games was overrated to her. Unless they involved stealing something from someone, or playing around with their thoughts. "Flirting" games though? No way would she participate in those. "Quailpaw." She meowed, her tail flicking slightly. "And let me guess..." She took a look at the tomkit's pelt, looking him over from head to toe. "Your name is like what? Splotchedkit?"

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