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Old September 23rd, 2017, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by BluBunny View Post
Tigerpaw tilted her head as she watched the kit, she hadn't replied yet and she assumed it was because Mulberrykit was back off into her own little world. Her eyes shone with humor as the smaller she-cat finally began to answer her. Her green hues moved upward as she began to think about what she should teach Mulberrykit first, she finally decided on hunting. She believed that would be the easiest thing to start with, it helps build more muscle before moving to battle training. "I think I'll start by showing you how to hunt!" She purred. "Now show me your best hunting crouch." Tigerpaw added, a light smile on her face. She remembered her mentor telling her this, her first hunters crouch was very awkward and looked more like she was trying to pounce instead of stalk. Many kits kind of learn the crouch as they play and learn from their fellow clanmates, some kits know the crouch better then others but she was confident she could teach Mulberrykit correctly.
A hunters crouch? Phff, that's easy! Now how did it go again...? Mulberrykit had no clue how a hunter's crouch should look, and considering how much time she spent staring of into space the last few conversations, she didn't think stopping to think about it would be approved. I guess I'll just have to wing it... it can't be that hard, right? "Ok... I'll try..." She said quietly, more for her own benefit versus Tigerpaw. Her nerves were building up again - she had no desire to bomb he'd first lesson - but she tried to push them back down.You can worry after you get this over with. Even though that didn't make much sense.

Mulberrykit took a deep breath, giving only a momentary thought to how she'd pull this whole off. Her only idea was to crouch normally, then add something to make look all hunter-y. She didn't consider the high chance of failure embedded in her plan; she only saw the positive outlook. And it will happen. So she went for it. She went into the BEST crouch she could muster; legs bent, paws in front, also bent, and her tail low to the ground. But what'll make it look hunter-y? She realized she'd only gotten so far in her plan, and she had no idea what was supposed to be hunter-like. Maybe this is good enough. Maybe this is all there is to a hunter's crouch! But inside she knew she was wrong.

Mulberrykit wasn't sure for how long she'd be able to hold the pose. It wasn't excessively uncomfortable, but she would rather not be stuck in it for the rest of the day. Please tell me quickly if I'm right or wrong! "Tigerpaw?" She questioned, turning her head to glance in the apprentice's general direction. "Am I doing this right?" Though she'd been down only a short while, her legs were beginning to ache, and she hated that. Stupid kit legs! Why can't I hold this pose for as long as I know Tigerpaw can? She kept her frustration hidden, though; her older friend didn't need to see the kit's internal struggles. Mulberrykit concentrated on keeping her face focuses and legs in their proper positions, as she wanted Tigerpaw to see her as an equal, not a mouse-brained kit.
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

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