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Old September 24th, 2017, 09:19 AM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by woly View Post
Daypaws ears twitched at the question, staying silent for a moment. They were..standoffish regarding friends. They didnt make them easily, mainly because of their rather cold exterior. But there were very few that pushed past that. They eyed Juniperpaw for a moment, golden-orange hues in slits, a look of unsatisfaction on their face. But in all honesty, it was just their resting/normal face. But after the moment of silence, they smiled. With was a crooked smile, a big contrast to their usual grumpy aura. ¨We are.¨ they mewed after a moment. They liked Juniperpaw. She reminded them a lot of Cricketpaw. But Daypaw prevented themself from comparing the two cats, as they were different, and Juniper deserved more respect then to be compared to someone else. She overal; happy exterior and never ending positivity was like dejvu. They looked back to the herb wall hearing her sad tone, she didnt want them to leave. they didnt want to think about leaving. There, they didnt have Geckoleaf, they didnt have Russetstar, they didnt have the friends they had made here. They had an empty den with a pawful of cats who seemed like they enjoyed Daypaws company. It would be back to the same routine again like before, and they hated it. But they couldnt help it, it was their duty, they had to leave no matter how much they didnt want to. ¨I dont want to leave either.¨ They didnt know how Geckoleaf would handle them leaving. The two had grown so close over such a short period of time, they two were bound at the hip at this point, and they simply didnt know what it would be like after they left.
Juniperpaw brightened immediately the moment a rather awkward smile stretched across Daypaw's muzzle, and she seemed to brighten even more when Daypaw spoke those two words... Those two words meant so much to Juniperpaw - she nearly cried tears of joy, but luckily, she refrained from doing so. Most likely, Daypaw would've taken their words back if a single tear formed, and Juniperpaw didn't really want that. She purred, the smile across her own face refusing to falter. Her facial features were beginning to ache; she'd smiled too much in the time since she met Daypaw, but she didn't want to stop smiling. When was the last time she was this happy? Perhaps when she was in the nursery, curled at her mother's belly, with her father and half-brothers standing over her, cooing?

She nearly reached over to press against Daypaw, but she really, really, really was not interested in losing the ShadowClan cat's friendship. Plus, Juniperpaw really liked to have her ears intact. She didn't know if it was safe to adopt a sad expression, if Daypaw would be okay with that, but she decided to take the safer route. Juniperpaw rose to her paws, shuffling forward slightly. ``Don't you worry, Daypaw! We'll see each other all the time! At Gatherings, at the Starcave, and maybe even at the border! And if you don't forget about your family here in RiverClan, then you'll never leave us. And we won't forget about you either, I promise! We'll always be thinking about you.``

She didn't exactly understand the relationship that Daypaw and Geckoleaf shared, but if it were anything similar to the mother-daughter bond Juniperpaw had with Cloversplash, then she didn't want to know what it would be like to leave. She couldn't imagine! She was silent for a few moments, and then unexpectedly, Juniperpaw jumped forward, brushing against Daypaw. She even offered the other feline a quick lick on the cheek, and then she was bounding out of the den, laughing over her shoulder as she hurried out.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!
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