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Old September 26th, 2017, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Apparently Hunterfang didn't know because he was still blocking Springwind out. This made the older tom clench his teeth, but he didn't say anything to Hunterfang. The black and white tom had everything figured out. His entire life, it seemed. He said he didn't need any help, but whenever someone say that and their voice is that low desperation; he needed help. He didn't want it. A want and need was different. To Springwind, he would give Hunterfang what he needed. Not what he wanted. Springwind gave the tom a knowing look, even smiling at him to maintain an aura of normalcy around them.

It happened when Hunterfang answered his question. Springwind didn't care much about Lemonspotted, but he did hope she would leave. Actually, she was a pretty kit growing up. Lemonspotted had been super curious and funny. She had most of the toms trailing after her - what made Ratheart so special? No one really knew what happened to Lemonspotted...or, why she became the way she was. Ratheart didn't seem to change much. He had been a rat then, and he was a rat now. ''Oh, that's goo-'' Speak of the devil. Springwind heard familiar pawsteps, and the older tom snorted, but didn't dare to even look Ratheart in the eyes.

Instead, he picked up his plump rabbit to place it between his paws. Ratheart had spoken, and Springwind calmly brought his gaze up, feigning a brilliant smile. ''We were up to nothing! I was hunting - and by coincidence, I ran into this kiddo! Thought I'd stop by and say hi, you know. See how he's doing as a warrior.'' Springwind cleared his throat, giving Ratheart a curt nod. ''How have you been?'' Springwind noticed Hunterfang would look up, and he wondered why the tom reacted as fast as he did, but shrugged this off. Instead, he brought his attention back to Ratheart, hoping to remain friendly in this little...conversation before he strolled out and into the paws of his love.


Moondream nodded, rather distantly. She had been doing one last scan of the territory to make out her best friend's familiar pelt color. Even if Asphodelspark showed up, she wouldn't mind trailing him! The molly didn't want to hunt. She wanted to relax, and laugh, and - do other stuff. Though she had kindly agreed to hunt with her mentor for a short moment. Only to spend time with him...which had to be appreciated. Eclipsemoon had done a lot for her. They were friends. She could hang out with him without actually having to work. Eclipsemoon was a pretty chill mentor. The young molly fluffed her fur, grinning at the tom. ''Enlighten me, please. How does boredom sparks creativity?'' She snorted. That was a weird saying. Did he really believe that, or was he just messing with her? The she cat felt herself glow at his sudden compliment. Because she wasn't loud. She had a soft, precious voice. One that needed to be treasured forever. Nothing loud about that. She hoped. Then, he had ruined it all by telling that she had been louder. Moondream whipped her head to look at him, staring daggers at her former's mentor face. ''Ha ha ha, real funny.'' She could be loud. When she was dramatic, or overly displeased, she was very loud. The entire forest could hear her whine. When Moondream began walking, knowing she had offended her mentor's ears, the molly flicked her tail, looking back at him for a moment at his comment. Did he just insult himself? ''Half rabbit? Not at all. Pretty sure a rabbit is a lot smarter than your father.'' Moondream stated. Maybe, that was harsh. Yet, she didn't like Ratheart when the time she first met him. She was feeling bad for herself, but if she had to have a father like that hairless feline? No thanks! Poor Hunterfang...ohhh, Hunterfang. That's who she didn't ask about. Lately, he haven't been crossing her mind, and this was the first time that he had. But, in a blink of an eye - he disappeared from her train of thought. ''Sorry, can't help being attractive.'' If she was the magnet, then trouble wanted her. She couldn't help that. Yet, she was a very reckless feline. An intelligent, reckless one. So, that had to count for something.

They were stalking a rabbit, low in the grass. Moondream's ears swiveled around to hear any chomping of food or pattering of the rabbit's foot. A creamy coat laid in the distance from them. It was the prefect catch. Moondream felt her jaw watering, and she gave her jaws a lick. ''Not quite. Birds had been better mentors.'' She teased, flinching slightly once he cuffed her ears with his tail. ''Hey! Keep that thing to yourself.'' She sneered playfully at him. Playing with Moondream was a bad idea when in the middle of work. Because she would frolic around and forget about her responsibilities. As soon as he asked her if she wanted to try and catch it - she jumped out, picking up her speed as fast as she could. Yes, she was a windclan cat, but no, she wasn't lightning fast. As soon as she picked up speed, the rabbit sped away. The she cat followed its trail, running around in circles along with it. ''How dare this thing mock me!'' She picked up her hind legs, her pelt much fluffier and danced in the breeze of the wind. It was exhilirating...yet, tiring. Moondream began to lose speed, but she haven't caught her kill. She constantly was weaving circles, hoping to outsmart its fast movement. When an idea popped in her head, Moondream nodded to herself. She only hoped Eclipsemoon would be smart enough to pick up on what she wanted him to do. Her energy was depleting, but Moondream ran as fast as she could, purposely running the rabbit into the paws of the nearby tom, crouching in the grass. He should be able to pick it up and deliver the killer blow - quickly. Because she was ready to pass out.
Hunterfang was panicking inwardly. Great, great, great, great, great. As if things weren't bad enough. He'd been told to stay away from Springwind. And now - Look at where he was! Caught talking to the Tom. And what was worse, that he had been almost so close to telling Springwind about Ratheart. Truly, he had been. Well, not now. Now Hunterfang shifted uncomfortably on his paws, feeling his father's gaze burning into him, but he kept wary brown eyes fixed on his paws, shoulders locked in place and his fur bristling slightly. Ratheart was gonna kill him for this. No doubt, Ratheart was going to kill him.

"Hm." Ratheart gave Hunterfang a disapproving glance before looking back at Springwind, smiling back cheerfully. "I see." At Springwind's question, Ratheart smiled innocently. "Oh, I've been doing fine. And how have you been doing, Spring..step..?" Already, he'd forgotten Springwind's name. The Tom picked his prey up in his jaws and padded around to Hunterfang's side, his expression calm.

"It's Springwind." Hunterfang muttered, just barely loud enough for the two Toms to hear. Ratheart's gaze flickered to him, and Hunterfang looked away again, knowing he probably just should've kept his mouth shut. But, he had to defend his former mentor.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Hunterfang said warily, ears flattening again as he fixed his eyes intently on the bird beside his paws, praying to StarClan Ratheart left. Though, he doubted that would happen anytime soon, would it? Hopefully though, Springwind would stick around for a while. Maybe Ratheart would leave if he did. The Tom took a deep breath and kept his gaze steadily on his prey, ears pricked toward Springwind slightly. His shoulders had tensed even more when Ratheart came up beside him, and he shifted a little on his paws to lean away just slightly, but kept his gaze where it was, almost looking submissive. Then again, that was probably what it was he was showing - Submission.


Eclipsemoon grinned at her question, rolling his eyes playfully. "When you're bored, you think of stuff to do. How do you think mossball was created? How do you think racing became a thing? Or play-fighting? Those ideas didn't just come out of nowhere, Moondream - Some old cat thought of them because they were bored." He smirked, satisfied with his answer. It was always something he believed. Because, after all, boredom did spark creativeness. At least, that's what he believed, and Eclipsemoon was firm in his beliefs. With a smile, the black and white warrior shook his fur out again, fluffing it up slightly as he walked. And when Moondream took off after the rabbit, he stopped walking and tensed, watching with sparkling eyes.

His former apprentice was doing well, but the rabbit was still pretty fast. Still, the Tom stayed where he was, claws working through the ground. Come on, Lune, you can do this! He urged silently, ears pricked up. Moondream had turned, and was steering the rabbit... Toward him? It took a few moments to register, but when it did, he was quick to act. He launched forward, his paws slamming down onto the surprised creature as his head lowered to give it the killing bite. The warm taste of blood hit his tongue as the creature went limp, and he let it drop to the ground as he straightened. "Nice job, Moondream." He smiled at his former apprentice. Even if Moondream hadn't caught the rabbit, she'd still gotten the idea to steer it towards him - That was a win in his book.
When Angels Fall With Broken Wings
I Can't Give Up, I Can't Give In
When All Is Lost And Daylight Ends
I'll Carry You, And We Will Live

Profile picture drawn by my lovely girlfriend, Stardust