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Old September 28th, 2017, 06:55 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by BluBunny View Post
Tigerpaw watched Mulberrykit get into her crouch, she was proud that Mulberry had found her own mistake in her crouch and corrected it herself before Tigerpaw could say anything. She gave the kit a light smile but ould tell she was starting to lose confidence, she laid her tail on the younger she cats shoulder. "You'll do fine, you're already getting the hang of it. You just have to.practice. It took me days to get my Hunters crouch right." She purred.

Tigerpaw went back into a more tense state, like she was stalking.prey. She eyed a rock a few tail lengths away, "Okay, we will pretend that that rock is a mouse and we are.stalking it." She whispered. Her pupils were wide with concentration but she looked back every few moments at Mulberrykit to make sure she was following and if she needed any help. As the two cats got closer to the rock Tigerpaw stopped to give Mulberrykit more tips, "When hunting anything, make sure you're always downwind of it. That means the wind is blowing towards you, so.the prey can't Do you to how to.pounce? Or would you like to keep practicing?"
Mulberrykit took a deep breath. Okay... here we go. And she was off. She kept her eyes on the rock at all times, not even glancing at Tigerpaw for support or assurance. She was determined to do this on her own, no matter how badly she needed help. It was a bit stupid of her to try such a thing, but being a stubborn, outspoken kit, she had no boundaries between genius and stupidity. Just one paw in front of the other... and keep them quiet! Silent steps, so the mouse doesn't know you're there! And this time she did much better. Her steps weren't perfectly silent, not like the apprentice's, but they were steadily improving. A small grin began to appear on her face. She was crouching! Actually stalking a rock-mouse! Who knew I'd get extensive training from Tigerpaw? This is amazing!

Once they were close to the pretend mouse, the apprentice stopped, so so did Mulberrykit. Why'd we stop? She wondered, confused as to their sudden halt. Just as she was about to ask, it hit her. I don't know how to catch it. The realization nearly made her facepalm. Of course! I don't know how to pounce yet. Mouse-dung! So when Tigerpaw asked if she wanted to learn how to pounce, the kit eagerly nodded. She'd figured out appropriate responses other than kit-like squealing or complaining, and she was proud of herself. I'm so ready to be an apprentice! But she held the majority of her excitement inside, her glowing eyes and sly smile the only evidence of her true feelings. "Yes, I'd love to learn to pounce!"
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

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