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Old September 28th, 2017, 10:06 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

It was all fun and games to Fiercekit. Their entire relationship was built on sibling competition. From throwing ridiculous insults at each other, to play fighting - rather roughly with one another. So, when he did attack Squirrelkit, he didn’t pay any heed to her insults. She kept throwing them, and it made the tom kit purr. ‘’Hey! Keep your teeth and claws to yourself!’’ It hurt. His face felt swollen for a moment, and he twitched his nose, hoping that his sister didn’t leave any marks on him. He did detect her anger. It emitted off her like a pot boiling water, watching as the smokey steam found its way into the air. Certainly, she had been over-exaggerating. This was how they played! Another point he knew she was mad was the fact she didn’t clean her fur like she normally did. She didn’t belittle him in that moment either. So, she was definitely raging.

‘’Well, sorry, but you’re stuck with me, sister dearest!’’ He aimed to bat at her with a paw, a wide grin on his maw. She wasn’t smiling. She wasn’t playing. It didn’t occur to her brother that this wasn’t a game any longer. He pranced around her like the annoying brother he was. Getting under his sister’s pelt had to be the other fun thing he loved to do. That, and the fact that he could make her anger go from zero to a hundred in mere moments. His playful sheet had dissipated quickly when he observed the tone of his sister’s voice. And, the insults that rolled off her tongue. She was...mocking him? Fiercekit flicked his ears, wondering why his sister had been so angry - weren’t this how they rolled? This happened mainly everyday. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Now...if they didn’t fight, that would be considered alienated. ’’…’’ The tom kit was lost for words, drifting his gaze down at his paws to avoid the inferno pit that was his sister’s eyes. He certainly didn’t want to play this game any longer. He may have been a very playful tom - but he was very sensitive. Easily knocked down, which only fueled him more. But, he didn’t want to fight his sister. ‘’I don’t understand.’’ He muttered, inaudible. They always fought! Why did it have to be so different now?

Taking a step back from the rotten feline, Fiercekit held his ground, firmly. He was far from being feared of his sister. Though he rolled his eyes because she was certainly - overreacting. Even at her little speech, he couldn’t believe his ears! Was that really how she thought of him? Wasn’t it obvious that he had been playing with her? Or...maybe, just maybe she was trying to play the victim here. He would desperately apologize to make her feel better again! This was what he planned to do - anything to stop her from tormenting him with her hissy fit. ‘’I was kidding, Squirrely! Goodness! You know I would lay my life - ‘’ Pause. The young molly had interrupted him by spilling the vain words in siblings’ dictionary. She uttered; I hate you. The tom kit stood there for a moment, catching a feeling of unbalanced like he had been bumped into. She couldn’t be serious - could she? Did she really hate him? Fiercekit felt his ears pinning, and the words that came out his mouth from earlier, left him as quickly as they came. The tom stared his sister down before deciding to stomp away in a blinded rage. Hopefully, he would be able to run into their mother and tell her everything that happened. Siblings weren’t supposed to hate each other. The words were rarely brought to, but when they were addressed towards him, he believed they were genuine. His own sister had hated him.
Squirrelkit huffed, her ears pinning back against her head, trying to block out his words. I don't understand. She she-kit mimicked him in her head, though she did feel a pang of guilt. Perhaps that was a bit harsh. But she was sick of fighting with him! Seeing how close Splashheart was to Foxthorn whenever their mother brought the kits to the border made her think. She wanted to be close to someone like that. But she didn't have any friends - Not real friends anyway. Just flirt buddies to annoy her father with. She wanted someone to trust like Splashheart trusted Foxthorn. She wanted..

Somebody to die for.

Squirrelkit shut her eyes, realizing Fiercekit had stopped speaking. Her paws kneaded the ground as she waited his response, but - Nothing. She felt him blow past her, and her eyes snapped open at once. "F-" She cut herself off, her eyes flickering over toward the nursery, where Fiercekit was headed. Was he going to curl up in the nest and sulk? Or was he - No, he's gonna go tell Mom! In a moment of anger, Squirrelkit launched herself after him at once, reaching his side. "You're such a crybaby." She hissed at him, matching him stride for stride. "Gonna go pout now? Gonna go cry to mommy?" She glanced ahead to the nursery, though, feeling a swirl of panic deep inside her. Would she be punished? Such words had never been spoken between the two, and she wasn't sure how her mother - Or her father - Would react.
When Angels Fall With Broken Wings
I Can't Give Up, I Can't Give In
When All Is Lost And Daylight Ends
I'll Carry You, And We Will Live

Profile picture drawn by my lovely girlfriend, Stardust
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