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Old October 3rd, 2017, 11:19 AM
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bobtail bobtail is offline
Queen of the Birbs
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default Re: The Tribe of Falling Leaves

@NightWarrior4Life @Blue Jay @Flameleaf @Socks

Bird blinked open her eyes and looked up in confusion, wondering why she was suddenly back in her den. She quickly realised that she'd been dreaming and sat up, licking flat the fur on her chest before standing and stretching, digging her claws into the dirt. The valley-guard picked her way across the sleeping bodies of the other cats in her den and padded out into the camp. She grabbed a mouse from the worryingly small caught-prey pile and bounded up to her favourite boulder, halfway up one of the mountains at the side of the valley. She settled down and started to eat, making sure to keep one eye on the ground below.


Frost awoke slowly and let out a yawn, standing and shaking moss from her thick white pelt. The prey-hunter left the den and emerged into the camp, frowning when she saw how small the caught-prey pile was. She'd have to do some hunting later, after her training session with Snow. The white she-cat smiled to herself and padded over to the den the to-bes shared. Usually the valley-guard and prey-hunter to-bes stayed in separate dens, but since there was only one of each at the moment they were sleeping together. Frost poked her head into the den and meowed, "Snow? Are you awake?"

@Black Cat

Stream woke early, as usual, and padded out of the to-bes' den. He padded up to a small gathering of rocks at the base of one of the mountains and hopped to the highest, fixing his amber gaze on the sky beyond the horizon, sitting there and waiting until, finally, the light of the sun shone over a distant hill. He smiled a little and waited until the sky was streaked with pink before jumping from the rocks and padding to the valley-guards' den. He peered inside and looked around for his mentor, Fog.

"If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell."
—Virgil, The Aeneid

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Last edited by bobtail; October 3rd, 2017 at 11:21 AM.