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Old October 6th, 2017, 08:11 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Weaselshade sounded as awkward as she did. But, to Thea she was playing it off cool. She didn't sound awkward at all. She was playing as if everything had been normal between them. Because it was. was still awkward, no doubt. All she wanted was a good friendship with him. At least a good partnership, so they could get along. It would be good for the kits because surely they would ask questions about their parents not being together. Not being in love. Thea glanced briefly at the tom, keeping quiet from his question for a moment. She would never admit she was in love because she wasn't. She was annoyed with him. She hardly even thought of him as a good friend. The queen settled herself down, blinking her eyes for a moment as she thought about what to say. It wasn't like you cared anyway, that was something she wanted to say, but she withdrew it. That wouldn't be a strong beginning to start off their friendship. ''I suppose I'm doing good.'' She replied, giving her paws a long stare because she didn't want to stare at the tom. ''Though they're...kicking alright. It's really uncomfortable.'' She snorted, laying her head back down on her paws for a moment, and shifted to her side to give her belly more room for relaxation. Truly, this pregnancy was uncomfortable for her, but with them moving around, it gave her comfort knowing they were...healthy. And, that was truly what mattered most. ''Truthfully, I've been bored. Though I know you've been having more fun than I have been.'' Thea always been cooped up in the nursery, but at least before her pregnancy, she was able to move around with a spark in her step. She was able to help out the other queens and their kits. Now, all she wanted to do was lie down and yell at her kits to hurry and come, so she could feel that freedom again. Minus the fact that she would have to nurse them for a while. ''And, you know what? I'm craving a juicy, hare right about now.'' She replied, licking her jaws. Her radiating blue hues flicking to stare at him, like she had been hinting something. Because she was craving something that she knew she would be too lazy to get up and get. Thea wouldn't complain if he got her any type of prey. She could down anything in a mere matter of moments.

Why was she bringing that up? A juicy hare? Since one would she be telling him that? Suddenly, it occurred to the tom that perhaps he was supposed to bring her prey. Or that she wanted him to get her one at the moment. But either way, he didn't like it. Was that her way of making things less awkward? Because it made them more awkward. He eyed her suspiciously, as she looked at him with her blue hue as though she had been hinting something. So she did want him to get her prey! Weaselshade was not one who appreciated that very much, he may be the kits father but that did not mean that he was going to get her a prey if she wanted it. Especially not if she was eyeing him like that. He dug his claws into the ground in frustration. "And why would you bring this up?" He asked, struggling to keep a note of annoyance out of his voice. "I'm assuming that you want me to get you prey." Weaselshade stated, with a unimpressed look planted on his face. What was she playing at? "Fine." He sighed, turning away from the she-cat so he wouldn't glare at her. The male Somali got up and padded towards the exit, shaking his head only in the slightest. Why did Thea want him to get her something to eat? Her pregnant state was no excuse. They weren't mates! After grabbing a mouse from the fresh kill pile, it was a plump one at least, he padded back into the nursery, dropping the rodent at Thea's feet. "There, I hope you're satisfied." Because if you are this topic is over. Weaselshade had not enjoyed that part of the conversation, but part of him was glad that now there was room for more pleasant conversations. Hopefully the end would be good.
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