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Old October 7th, 2017, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Raven & Co View Post
Bella licked his chin as she heard him say that it was hard to be the leader, to take care of a whole clan, her face heating up as he told her that she was a wonderful cat, she pressed against him, the heat from his body was something she loved, she could even cuddle with him all day long if he agreed to it. The calico then waited a little and looked up at him. "I... I was wondering when you wanted to actually have family, because... Well... I guess I'd be ready whenever you are." She mewed softly, pressing close to him and nibbling on his shoulder, a loud purr coming from the she-cat as she remained pressed against her lover.

(Sorry if it's shorter! ^^)
Originally Posted by Aleka View Post
Ink trotted nervously into the den, his form low and compact. What's going to happen now? The feline couldn't help but wonder. Another cat had directed him to this den, telling the former kittypet to talk to the clan's leader- someone named... Wait, what was they're name again? He wondered, with an inward chuckle towards himself. Why did you think this was a good idea, you're pretty bad at remembering important things. The black and white tom thought as he stopped, looking around at the den. He noticed the two other cats there, and at least they weren't giant and rippling with menace and power as he had mostly expected after hearing about the clans. Uneasily, he stood there, wondering if he should interrupt the other molly's and tom's conversation, which he didn't really prefer to. Besides, they would probably notice him eventually, and he was perfectly fine with waiting.

@✨Blue Wishes✨;
(( Jeebus Aleka you scared me- ))

Goldenstar wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that. He did really want kits, and he did want all of that, he really did, but he didn’t know if he was ready to accept that responsibility yet. With everything that was happening, he was unsure if he really wanted to bring anything else when everything was already crazy enough. He was now somewhat conflicted, unsure of whether to say yes or no. Suddenly, a flash of movement caught his eye, and he flinched, turning to look at who was there. “Hello there,” He said calmly, dipping his head in a sort of greeting to the new cat. He looked at Bella with a bit of regret in his eyes, “Did you need something?” He asked the new cat, tilting his head slightly as he looked at the other tom.