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Old October 9th, 2017, 02:47 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
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Default Re: The forbidden love of royalty and monsters ( private)

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

Rachel sat in her bed, she studied the door intently almost expecting the knight to burst throug. Yet he never did. He was polite and calm and never once did he barge in uninvited, even if she had wanted him in her room in the morning he would never come. She had insisted so many times and had finally given up on it. Like his brothers he was a gentleman and refused to come out anytime. So she pulled the sheets back and got up, thought they weren't necks aril in love she still kinda enjoyed his company. He was a knight after all and he needed to be near her almost all the time. Being princess was always a curse and burden. As she walked across her room toward her vanity she pulled open a drawer and examined the many brushes and clips within it. Perhaps she needn't do much about it today. There were no royal meetings, parties or even balls to attend. That meant she didn't need to spend hours working on makeup or the perfect hairdo. With that Rachel stood and walked across the room to the closet pulling out a silk dress. A day dress, not poofy but much better suited for walking around, perhaps now was the time for a walk in the gardens.
Sasuke was now getting a big eager now that the event for them to find a love is on today. He decided to keep it from her knowing full well that she may not enjoy it ... but there is a chance. he closes the book and begins to put it away. he stands In front of the door reaching for the doorknob but..he stops for a second eventually his heart won the battle of reason and he suddenly opens the door. of course he closes his eyes just in case she was still changing. " My lady, forgive me for barging in like this but today is a important day and I am not one for waiting on such a fine-" he stops when he opens his eyes a bit seeing her in her day dress no matter how much he has seen her. she always amazed him with her beauty and with a quick movement. he puts his hand over his heart trying to calm it down as he smiles calmly. " beautiful as always my lady." he says warmly

Last edited by Galaxy Of Wisdom; October 9th, 2017 at 11:49 PM.