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Old October 11th, 2017, 12:49 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by RedHead View Post

Four silver paws made a rhythmic pattern of walking as a black striped tomkit walked confidently across the clearing. Small in stature, but large in heart, his ears swiveled about, taking in every sound. The sounds of the birds chittering above in the treetops, the sounds of warriors and apprentices, just waking up, the small talk of the queens floating from inside the nursery, and the slight rustling of the leaves as a breeze flew past. The tom's large lime-colored eyes also took in the sights of the busy morning. The warriors slowly waking up, the occasional elder walking slowly across the clearing, the almost-empty fresh-kill pile, and the texture of the trees and ground around him. His paws could feel the ground beneath him, hard and slightly moist from that morning's dew. He opened his mouth and let the air flow into it, practically tasting the rain that had come the night before. His nose also twitched, as the kit could smell the fresh, clean scent of a morning after it rains. The young tom found this all fascinating, from the smallest bug to the largest tree. Everything he saw intrigued him, filled him with questions just waiting to be asked, then answered. Every one of his five senses were high on alert, he wanted to take in everything around him. Everything, because to him, it was all amazing.
But questions would spark in the young cat's mind. Why does it rain? Is it Starclan sprinkling drops of water down on us? And what about dew? is it water that became sticky and solid so it could form those little droplets on plants? And the sun, how does it rise? These were the type of questions that would plague his mind. Until he could ask them to someone at least.
As he finished his stride across the clearing, Jaggedkit came to a small, but flat rock, just big enough for him to lay across. As he put his paw on it, cold shot up his leg, and he took his paw away from it. "Not warm enough to lay on yet..." He muttered, flicking his ears as a few drops of dew from the trees above him landed on his head. He reached up his paw to feel it, but it did not feel sticky at all. Hmm, then how does dew stick? looking around, Jagged kit spotted a fern frond just a few mouse-lengths away. Padding over, he rubbed his head gently on a fern frond, hoping to see if dewdrops formed from the water on his head. But he only succeeded in causing more dew to shower down on him, soaking his whole head and chest. "Well that's just great..." Jaggedkit had spent a long time that morning trying to make himself look presentable, as he had woke up with a major case of nestpelt. And now, his fur that was wet was going to get all poofy and frizzy from the water. Plus, the sun was still rising, and so it wasn't completely warm yet. There were still small wisps of fog rolling across the clearing.
Jaggedkit knew his mother probably wouldn't appreciate him being awake this early, but the tom couldn't help but be an early riser. He just loved to start his day of early, and get a glimpse of everything from dawn until dusk. Besides, he had learned about so many things that occurred before every cat was awake. Like the fog. He had never known that existed until he was 3 moons old, and had woke up super early on a thick, foggy morning. And yes, the tomkit did enjoy leaping around in the fog, hiding from his mother and generally playing around.
The tom had actually learned a whole lot more than most other kits his age would. He knew all of the names of the different animals that could be found out in the territory, and knew which ones were safe to eat and which weren't. He had already figured out his favorite kind of prey (starling) from trying all of them one time. But that had ended up with him having a major bellyache and a scolding from his mother. But he also now knew what helped a bellyache. He had learned the scent and looks of it, because of course, he had asked questions. It was chewing Chervil root, which the tom had found disgusting. But it had helped his belly a lot, and now he knew what it was.
Letting out a sigh, Jaggedkit cast his green gaze around the clearing once more. The tomkit hadn't had many other kits to play with, in fact, he hadn't really gotten to know anyone in his early kithood. He was only 4 moons old, but still, he felt like he should've at least made a friend or two. Especially since his mother always told him he was such a nice cat. I guess I have spent a bit too much time trying to figure out the world... So, Jaggedkit decided that today, he would try and talk to another. Maybe make a friend! Or two?
Hmm... If I was going to approach another cat, what would I look for? Jaggedkit adjusted his stance, facing his body towards the clearing, keeping himself calm and relaxed. But as he sat waiting for a few moments, something bright and colorful caught his eye. Looking, he saw that it was a butterfly, and it just flew right past his nose. Jaggedkit loved to play, he had always been such a playful kit. So, completely forgetting the fact that he was supposed to be looking for someone to play with, the silver tom ran after the butterfly, his eyes bright with determination to catch it.

(Here we go!!! I love him already <3 @Constellation )
“Pop. Bop. Boop. Bloop. Hmmm...what is another sound to make.” Okay. No. This was not amusing at all. Birchflower allowed the young kit to go out into the clearing as long as she behaved herself, and that Dawnpaw would watch her. Well, obviously Dawnpaw was around for...oh what? A couple of moments. He didn’t even bother to say goodbye to Cerisekit. It annoyed her, the small one’s fur bristling at the thought of her older half-brother being incredibly rude to her. So, now the ginger feline stayed on the sidelines of the camp to avoid being trampled over by morning warriors. She didn't know where Dawnpaw went off to, and she debated on whether she would follow him. Her paw aimlessly tapped at the ground, a grey emotion settling within her. A feline like Cerisekit needed to move around. She needed socialization. She didn't want to be alone. Making weird noises from her maw wasn't all. So, she shot up.
Initially, the kit figured she would follow the trail of her brother. Even if Dawnpaw showed obvious signs of being annoyed with her, possibly disliking her, did this matter to her? Oh, of course not. It did little to belittle her, and instead flamed her even more to bother him. The small molly got up, and started running through the clearing. Not as fast as many. She honestly looked like an adorable squirrel running with a mouth filled with acorns. She spluttered out her ‘excuse me’s and her ‘sorries’s when she bumped into another warrior. Her bushy tail danced behind her like an upbeat snake. The day of yesterday’s rain was ever present, and she felt the murkiness within the grass below her. Little droplets plopped around her, and it made Cerisekit stop and look down at her tiny paws. It was like the grass was a hidden pool. Water laid within these blades. Cerisekit, distracted for a moment, began to hop around, spluttering up more water. It wet most of her belly fur and her sides, but all she did was giggle. It was nothing wrong with getting dirty. She stomped around, prancing on four ginger paws. Suddenly, she broke put into a run, feeling the light splashes splatter around her. Once, she got to a flat rock, the small Molly jumped onto it, jumping instantly at the chilly temperature the rock held. Quickly, she shook her pelt to rid some of yesterday's rain before she hopped off. Padding around the camp, she caught no sight of her older brother. She liked to talk. Just like any other kit she liked to play. Dawnpaw was hard to play with because he acted like she was a complete nuisance to his life. Cerisekit stopped in her tracks. “ I a nuisance?” Her ears flicked and her head tilted for a moment. Nah, of course not. She couldn't be! Cerisekit knew she was adorable and about the coolest kit in the clan. After all, she managed to make three new friends. Fireflykit, Lightningbugkit, and Ashkit. Even if they didn't claim her as a friend, she still thought of them as her friends. Cerisekit was plenty sure that she would make more friends just as easily. Lifting her head back up to smile, she sought out for a new friend. Her head turning from left to right, from right to left in Swift motions. Yet, no one was really around. Perhaps, it was too early for the other kits? Her nose twitched for a moment, and the ginger kitty lifted herself up with a heavy sigh. Cerisekit flicked her back, believing to herself that this would be the last time she awoke early just because she wanted to trail behind Dawnpaw, knowing that the nursery was filled with too much cramped spaces and dingy smells. Now, that she was out - oh, look! Suddenly, she found herself jumping back at the sight of another kit. Squinting her eyes, she cocked her head. What exactly was he doing? Her nose wiggled, and before she could think about her next move, she started following after him. Mainly to catch the butterfly. According to Cerisekit, this must be the start of a race. So, she sprinted her tiny paws as fast as she could, flashing through like a ball of fire. This was what she wanted. To play around. A bright smile appeared on her maw and as she caught up to the bigger Tom kit, the ginger feline flashed him a grin and a quick glance before she reciprocated his actions and started to Pat at the winged creature. Now, this...this was a way to make a new friend.