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Old October 13th, 2017, 01:13 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Random Melody View Post
Squirrelkit huffed, her ears pinning back against her head, trying to block out his words. I don't understand. She she-kit mimicked him in her head, though she did feel a pang of guilt. Perhaps that was a bit harsh. But she was sick of fighting with him! Seeing how close Splashheart was to Foxthorn whenever their mother brought the kits to the border made her think. She wanted to be close to someone like that. But she didn't have any friends - Not real friends anyway. Just flirt buddies to annoy her father with. She wanted someone to trust like Splashheart trusted Foxthorn. She wanted..

Somebody to die for.

Squirrelkit shut her eyes, realizing Fiercekit had stopped speaking. Her paws kneaded the ground as she waited his response, but - Nothing. She felt him blow past her, and her eyes snapped open at once. "F-" She cut herself off, her eyes flickering over toward the nursery, where Fiercekit was headed. Was he going to curl up in the nest and sulk? Or was he - No, he's gonna go tell Mom! In a moment of anger, Squirrelkit launched herself after him at once, reaching his side. "You're such a crybaby." She hissed at him, matching him stride for stride. "Gonna go pout now? Gonna go cry to mommy?" She glanced ahead to the nursery, though, feeling a swirl of panic deep inside her. Would she be punished? Such words had never been spoken between the two, and she wasn't sure how her mother - Or her father - Would react.

“Stop talking to me,” Fiercekit snapped, his ears pinning back for a moment when he stared daggers at his sister. She was such a - such a - ohhh, the word he was thinking of was far from being a good one. It was evident that he loved his sister, and siblings usually fought…a lot. But, this was ridiculous! She told him that she hated him, so yeah - he was going to tell mom. Because mom would know how to handle this situation! Mom would put Squirrelkit back in her place. Mom was powerful. Scary, even. To be honest, Fiercekit feared his mother more than he feared his leader. “Because I am going to tell mom.” He said firmly, his paws stomping through the clearing to seek out their mother.

If Squirrelkit thought she was going to get out of this mess, she had another thing coming. Usually, when Squirrelkit did things she has no business doing, Fiercekit wouldn't tell on her because that was his sister. He didn't like it when she was in trouble. He didn't like when she was punished. Even though Mixedfur usually lightened her punishments.

Saying you hate your siblings was crossing the line. Fiercekit was pretty sure Splashheart didn't hate her siblings. He was positive that the word ‘hate’ was long from what she thought of them. Even if they had gotten on her nerves. Fiercekit could feel his anger boiling over to an extreme, and the next words tumbling out his sister’s maw didn't reach his ringing ears. All he wanted to do was seek out his mother. Where was Splashheart when you needed her anyway? There was no use of going to their father. Itnwas easy for Squirrelkit to bend the Tom to her desires, which then she wouldn't get into any trouble. Oh no! Fiercekit wanted to complain to their mother. The real boss of their family. Squirrelkit was teasing him now...but, just wait. Just wait until they're mother finds out the horrible words that his sister said to him! “Mooooooommmmmmma!” He screeched, hoping his whining tone would catch her attention from the distance.
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