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Old October 19th, 2017, 08:20 AM
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Bluespark provided a cheerful grin - for the first time in forever it seem. Because he was genuinely happy. The piebald cat had everything he wanted. Well...not exactly, what he wanted, but he had what he needed. Starclan provided the sweet blue cat to love him for eternity. But, his partner in crime...had to be up to something. He caught her little look, and his expression contorted into something of curiosity. Mixed with a bit of peculairness. Whenever Alabastersnow was up to something, it wasn't good. At all. Something evil was brewing and for once in Bluespark’s life he didn't feel like ruining Azulheart’s life. Bluespark had Asterflame to keep his heart forever young. She was his. Finally. He won. He felt he won it all because he allowed himself to believe he stolen Asterflame’s heart. Something Azulheart failed to do.

Alabastersnow asked Asterflame a question. The question made Bluespark poke his snout upwards in a snobby manner. “Why ask such a ridiculous -” briskly, the piebald Tom had turned his head to Asterflame. Because she had answered. Not only did she answer, but she admitted that the other Tom looked handsome. Bluespark stole a glance at his former best friend, he could clearly see Azulheart shuffling on his paws in a nervous manner. The grey Tom’s eyes flitted around to be distracted by the littlest of things. Narrowing his eyes, Bluespark swished his tail behind him, hitting it softly against his mate’s before he clung onto hers and squeezed it for a moment. A little too hard. The only Tom she needed to be attracted to was him. Only him. Wasn't he enough? For her to admit that Azulheart was handsome was evident enough that she was attracted to him. Ugh! It aggravated him because he felt himself reliving their past when they first met the sisters.

Or, was it just Alabastersnow? Trying to sabotage their relationship because she didn't want Asterflame to be happy. Well, newsflash, Alli! If Asterflame wasn't happy, then Bluespark wasn't. The white feline was such a devious one that Bluespark didn't realize that his claws were digging into the terrain out of frustration. Azulheart this, Azulheart that! Why did everything have to be about him? Bluespark saw himself as the one with more brawn, the prettier boy. The one who could catch all the ladies’ attention. Truthfully, Asterflame oughta admire what she have.

“The two of you cute together.” There, nice words to say to the new couple. Even if he didn't mean it. Azulheart honestly deserved to die a brutal death of solitude. His eyes flicked over to his old friend, Azulheart giving him a sad glance, then looked at the two sisters who were sizing each other up. Bluespark brought that back to his attention, and the Tom felt a fury to roll his eyes. “I'd appreciate it, of you stop questioning what my mate think of yours, Alabastersnow.” What was she exactly trying to prove?

Bluespark was initially starting to get angry upon hearing the fact that Asterflame was calling Azulheart handsome. But, their argument. The words that tumbled out the blue feline’s maw, made Bluespark produce a smug grin. She had snapped on Alabastersnow, and reminded her that she had a mate. It made his heart beat out of pride, and his sudden envy combusted into flickering ashes. It dissipated quickly within thin air, and he nuzzled the side of her cheek. He has heard the compliments that she gave the Tom, but it was the fact that she...stood up for herself, in a way. He held her heart. He had the key. Alabastersnow indeed passed up an extradroadinary Tom such as himself. He could had devoted himself to treating her like a queen. But, nope! She gave that away because she wanted...that.

Bluespark gave the blue cat a sweet smile, tilting his head for a moment upon her words. He has been enamored with them. Giving her a piece of his trust because he figured he held her loyalty. “Hey, it's alright.” His voice was soothing and he used his tail to affectionately drag his tail on her ears. “I'm just satisfied that you know where you belong. And, that you will finally accept all my love instead of pushing it away.” A she cat like Asterflame deserved all the love. Nothing but love. Bluespark knew he could give her that. He didn't even bother to look back in Alabastersnow’s direction. It was the simple fact that he felt she was trying to sabotage a new beginning. The relationship with his mate. Couldn't she let it go and allow them all to be happy?

Wait wait - what? It was a fact that Azulheart was handsome? Azulheart had been afraid to even glance up at the two sisters. Indeed...they were fighting. Azulheart thought they were going to exchange congratulations before going separate ways. But, nope! And, how did he end up in this conversation? It was out of place to him. Azulheart refused to even give them a glance. He tried his best to close his ears. This was absolutely ridiculous! Alabastersnow causing drama...which shouldn't be a surprise, really. Alabastersnow was the epitome of drama. Now, that was a trait Azulheart would love to get rid of. That, and her attitude. Plus, her unloyalty. Basically, all the flaws. So, she could be perfect. And, tamable. And, sweet. Yet…Alabastersnow was none of this.

Azulheart did look up when Asterflame admitted that he was handsome. His eyes grew wide as two large suns. Was...was that a good thing? Alabastersnow was feeding her, and instead of succumbing to being satiated, Asterflame continued to gobble up everything Alabastersnow threw at her. The Tom felt out of place, and he gently moved his muzzle to touch his beloved’s ear. “Can't we just be happy for one another? Stop fighting all the time. The two of you are sisters.” He tried to get his two scents in when it just became too rowdy. Like in any moment they would began fighting. Azulheart simply wanted to embrace the day as new warriors and to seize the day with their mates. Maybe even rekindle his friendship with Bluespark...but, the way the other Tom was looking at him, Azulheart knew that opportunity was gone before it even came.

“Well, I'm very happy that the two of you found love.” His comment was soft, he hoped she heard him. He nudged his mate, giving her a look of dismay. This was not what they had agreed on. They came to tell their two friends the good news, not start some unnecessary play. “Alabastersnow...behave.” The only thing the Tom could do was dismiss the compliments he heard about him. They hadn't been directed at him, but still...they were said. If they thought he was handsome, then he must had been doing something right. Maybe...maybe scars weren't so bad. Right now, it wasn't the time to be proud. He needed to get his mate under control before someone ends up losing it...and judging by now Bluespark was silently reacting…

He was about to suggest that they leave, but Alabastersnow flipped the question to him. Oh, now they wanted to put him into this argument? Azulheart shook his head. “I'm not going to answer that.” It was a stupid question. Of course, Azulheart thought Asterflame was beautiful. But, apparently Alabastersnow had insecurity issues. Which was hard to believe since Azulheart practically married the goddess of this entire clan. It pained him to admit it, but if both girls were put off for exploitation, Alabastersnow would have a lot more fans hounding her. He flicked his ears at Asterflame’s words, keeping his gaze on Alabastersnow. Was he a ghost or something? A spirit that she couldn't see? Did she really just threaten him like he wasn't in front of her? Azulheart blinked his eyes - okay. So, how should he approach this? Azulheart was positive that she wouldn't hurt him. Oh no, they were mates. This wouldn't be an abusive relationship. He wasn't afraid to fight back. He was forced to be with her to protect his loved ones, but he allowed himself to believe he was with her on his own free will. He wanted to believe that he could actually love this Molly. Grow old with her and everything.

When Asterflame turned to talk to Bluespark, Azulheart sighed and he gently threw his tail around his Molly’s soft back. He reminded himself constantly that in order to win this demented lover, you had to provide tender loving. So, he nosed his way through her neck, inhaling in the sweetest scent known to earth. “You know you're the only one I have eyes for, sweetheart. You're the one too stunning for words. I just wish you would stop the threats. They're getting a little too old, don't you think, love?” That should be good enough to stay on her good side for a while. His voice was a low whisper so only she could hear the light teasing. They just started this relationship and he had no intentions on building it up based on problems. The past was the past. It was time to walk through a new door. He kept his nose into his mate’s scruff, but his eyes slid over to the other newest couple. Asterflame looked happy. Truly happy. Now, that was real loyalty. Something he hoped would last long for the two.
Asterflame gave her mate a bright smile as he became more affectionate, and lightly nuzzled him. "Of course," She answered, but she was frustrated with herself. It was stupid to admit she thought the other tom was handsome! Bluespark was supposed to be the one and only cat she payed ANY attention to, and that was going to start NOW. She wasn't going to pay attention to Azulheart like that any longer. Nope. This sudden change in attitude was partly because she was afraid, partly because she knew it was wrong, and partly because she knew that it was only going to hurt her in the end. It was hurting her now!

Her sister's stupid question was turning this day around, and Asterflame was determined to get it back to being good. They could still all be friends! Bluespark had nothing to be worried about. As long as she played the part of a submissive, sweet, never sarcastic and always happy mate, he would be pleased with her and perhaps leave her alone to do as she wanted. Or, maybe he would follow her around - but either way, she might be able to keep a social life. Chances were, Azulheart wouldn't be as lucky. Why had he gone with Alabastersnow? He couldn't love her. She wasn't hard to love, especially after a while, and Asterflame had some good memories with her, but the two of them... together? It made no sense.

Good. I'm glad he's not going to answer. It means he... respects me. She gave the grey tom a smile, but part of her felt hollow and pained. Did he think she was beautiful? Was that a possibility? It was the only thing that made the she cat wonder. A long time ago, he had said that she was. Those special moments were kept deep in Asterflame's mind, never to be shared with anyone else. They were her memories... to treasure. Had he forgotten them already? She would remember, for a very long time, but she couldn't blame him. Asterflame couldn't expect Azulheart to remember things like that. How silly... he had much more important things on his mind now! And the she cat was determined not to bother him about some memory that was now a distant one, that had happened long ago. Had she been a part of a young romance?

Perhaps. Back then, Asterflame hadn't been very good on picking up on hidden feelings, and she wasn't good at it now either. That wasn't to say she wasn't smart - and she had been very observant - but when it came to feelings, at least in the area of romance, she hadn't been good at it. If Azulheart really had thought about her in that way, and if there was a chance she had - then she had blown it. And now she was crushing on him so hard that it hurt to watch him. They'd been friends for so long... Asterflame had started to memorize every little thing about him. Could Alli say the same? No, because her sister only wanted Azulheart for a trophy. To show off what she had done. What about when the next tough guy came along, was she going to try and make him do things for her too? A light shudder went through the blue she cat's spine. Bluespark was a lot tougher now, why didn't her sister try and take him and leave the one cat Asterflame had a crush on? She'd done this before. With Lionpaw, but Asterflame had been much younger then and it had been a shorter romance... a much shorter one. This was for life.

Whatever this was with Bluespark, her faked interest or committment getting in the way of what she wanted. Realizing she should probably be paying more attention to her companion, the she cat wrapped her tail around Bluespark's, a light purr rumbling in her chest as she glanced at him. This faked character was practically taking over her. Poisoning her mind and changing her outlook of the world to make it so that she was becoming stupider. She could feel her intelligence slipping away... bit by bit. But that was okay, because she wouldn't need it anymore. Bluespark was supposed to do everything for her. She was just a - a helpless she cat. Or, if he needed her to be, she was something else.

Whatever he needed to get her mind off of Azulheart and to keep her focused on her promise. Eventually, maybe she would be in love with him. It was going to be a long and hard road - but Asterflame could do it. "I have an idea." She mewed, smiling at her mate and giving him another soft nuzzle. Easy... She thought, drawing away a few seconds later.

"Why don't we go to the border? We should probably patrol it, you know, make sure the Dusk Syndicate's staying in line... and then, we could race again!" She offered to her mate. It was just an offer extended to him - she needed to pretend like Azulheart didn't even exist, at least, until these feelings were gone. Another thought crossed her mind and she pinned her ears back submissively, almost shyly looking up at Bluespark in the next second. That's right. This is what he wants, Aster. "But, um... only if you, uh, want to, of course."

What had happened to being supportive? Look at Asterflame, backing her mate up, bringing him up even when Alabastersnow could clearly tell that she was crushing on the other tom. Such a sad, twisted story - too bad she couldn't bring it to an end here and now. Of course, Azulheart was MUCH too smart to try anything stupid, and too pathetically loyal to leave Alabastersnow. A sad story indeed... but one that the white feline was thriving off of. All this drama was like sweet water to her, and she was sucking it up as though she would never get any more. There would always be drama as long as she was around.

Wasn't that her job? To play with everybody? The world was her toy! Her mate, of course, was the centerpiece... but everyone around was also just there for her amusement. And the she cat tried to hide it at times, other times displayed it proudly. "Behave, love? You don't tell me what to do." She tried to hide her frustration with a sparkly laugh, but this time didn't make an attempt to hurt the other tom. No, if the she cat needed to, she would do it later - in the quiet of night. Where she could give him a talking to about support as well. Now, the she cat was not planning to support him on her side. Oh no! Whyever would she do that? His refusal to answer her question was pretty much the last straw. Alabastersnow was getting ready to throw a fit, but she stopped as he leaned in. Well, at least he admitted that she was the stunning one.

The beautiful one. Just as she had thought. Alabastersnow had no way of knowing that he thought Asterflame was beautiful, and neither had her sister. That thought was still private - but chances were, the she cat would figure it out sooner or later. Whether through asking about the past or some other private memories. At the same time, his words angered her. Her threats were how she kept him in line! Although, perhaps just threats didn't work anymore. Next time... she was going to get physical. Or perhaps it was time to emotionally hurt him some more? Oh yes... emotional hurt worked very, very well. Psychological games and the like. It would rip him apart from the inside, forcing him to do as she asked whenever she asked him to. Now, granted - the games could backfire. But all she wanted was to force the love of her life into doing what she asked. She wanted him to do it willingly! Or at least, appear like he was. She could make him do that.

"You're right... threats aren't enough anymore, are they?" Looking quite soft and innocent, she gave him a friendly nuzzle. "I'm so sorry, love." But he had crossed the line. And now it was time to make him pay for making her feel so angry and frustrated. Azulheart was the object of her anger, and so Alabastersnow did something she thought it would never come to as long as they were mates. First of all, she pulled away from him before nuzzling him again, burying her own nose in his long fur. Was there some ulterior motive to her affection?

Normally the answer would be no, Alabastersnow was just needy and annoying, but this time... it was yes. There was definitely another motive to this. "I'm sorry. But you need to learn." These were the last words spoken, and they were sincere - muffled as well - as she lightly sank her teeth into the side of his neck. From the outside, it was impossible to tell what she was doing, but the pain should have been very real. So far, Alabastersnow had only used her claws.

Her fangs were, if possible, even sharper and they sank right through. Releasing him, it was clearer what had happened as she had broken the skin, and hoping that her sister wasn't paying attention to any of this, the white feline drew her mate aside quickly - not like he had much of a choice, her tail was wrapped too tightly around his and she pulled, drawing him aside. When they were gone, she examined the cut like she hadn't been the one to make it. All she was doing was making it harder for him to love her, but the she cat needed to be obeyed at all times.

"That sharp tongue of yours needs a master, Azulheart. You can't control it. And if you can't, then I'll control it for you. Anytime I hear you say something I don't like... I WILL make you hurt. And next time it will be agonizing, and I will make sure that you learn."

Her words were so harsh, so angry, that it was almost impossible to say she was herself. But she was. And eventually, she lightly began cleaning the wound she had inflicted, soft strokes, and gently carressing her mate's back and side with her tail. "I am sorry. But I think it's time for a change... and I'm sure you'd be the first to admit you need some help with your filter." She was going to teach him how to filter his words. How? Like she had said, by putting him in excruciating pain - or even just a little, depending on the situation - until he learned to control his mouth. That may be never... but Alabastersnow could wait.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.