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Old October 21st, 2017, 03:43 PM
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Default Re: ★two girls casually being gay[private]

Originally Posted by itsyaboirussetbird View Post

Kristen laughed. “Wow, a free pass? That’s quite strange. For you, at least.” She smiled jokingly, stepping into the doorway. “Ooh, snacks! Did you buy me Twizzlers? You know that’s my favorite.” She pointed accusingly at Ace. She climbed over the couch’s back, flopping down onto one of the large cushions. “Man, you have a big TV. All I have is a sucky one from the 90’s.” She grabbed the remote and started flipping through. “Ugh, there’s nothing good on!” She turned back to Ace. “Do you have Netflix, HBO or Showtime?”
as kristen made herself at home on her couch, she walked into her kitchen. her apartment was larger then most around here,blessed enough to get a bottom floor. the kitchen was big, krisp granite counter tops and an island in the middle. her fridge was decorated with lame magnets, some from places she had been too. her living room was simple, a large L shaped couch with a glass coffee table. her large TV sat on an entertainment center whihc hosted movies and books on it. posters of bands and such were littered on the house walls, this was Aces home alright. she opened her cupboard, grabbing a bag of chips and some candy,including kristens beloved twizzlers. walking to the living room she rolled her eyes,¨yeah yeah i got them, i knew youd bug me for them anyway,¨ she placed the snakes on the table before settling down on the couch next to her, resting one of her arms against the back of the couch and behind kristen. ¨i have netflix we can watch,what are you in the mood for? theres some good horror movies,ya know, for the spooky season and all.¨