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Old October 22nd, 2017, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
When the Dusk Syndicate leader himself leapt onto the higher rock among the leaders, Morningblue was momentarily frozen with shock. What sort of nerve did Halite have to have in order to sit up there with the leaders? To interrupt a gathering?! An angry hiss escaped him as he watched the foxhearted cat speak. As the word 'attack' rang out, yowls split the stillness of the night. It's an ambush! He realized, he unsheathed his claws, his gaze darting as the clearing around him erupted into panic. He Back up to stand next to Rosebelly, every hair on his pelt standing on edge. "Stay close to me!" Morningblue's first instinct had been to rush straight at the nearest battle and claw the first Dusk Syndicate cat he saw to ribbons. But he didn't want to leave Rosebelly alone. He wanted to be on hand if she needed him. These cats weren't like warriors. They had no honor and would kill a cat if they had the chance.

(Do you have an opponent lined up?)
(Unfortunately no you?)

Rosebelly froze as Halite emerged from the shadows. What was happening? A new rank scent filled her nostrils. Cats. Lots of them. Dusk Syndicate cats to be exact. Her hackles rose as the Commander leaped atop the Highrock, and yowled a battle cry. At once, many cats emerged from the shadows, screeching with fury. She gazed around wildly. So many cats! Rosebelly strained to hear his words through the calamity, but she was able to make them out. Nodding, she stood at his side, looking for an opponent.

(Here are random cats i didnt roleplay with at the gathering!)

( @Silentshade ?)
Alliumeyes almost screeched in terror as the rogues filed into the clearing. A surge of excitement and fear filled her. Her first battle! Springing into action, Alliumeyes set her striking blue eyes ahead of her and barrelled into the battle.

Whitestep rose to her feet as Halite entered the clearing. All of this had been nonsense until now. She hadn't bothered to care, until now. Tonight, she could die. Tonight, her kits could be orphaned. Whitestep bared her teeth. She would not let that happen.

( @Aura ?)
Mango bounded into the clearing, screeching out a battle cry. "I'm coming for you, Clan cats!" The long-furred trainee unsheathed her claws, and shoved past smaller cats. Mango had trained fervently. She trained so hard her entire body would ache, and tonight, it would all be paid off. The molly continued to shove Clan cats out of her way until she spotted a formidable opponent.
:”3 Yikes. Talk about a hiatus.
I’m back and gayer! than ever!!