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Old October 30th, 2017, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: StarClan Territory

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
Seeing movement in the clearing, the old warrior turned, his one remaining eye blazing as he arched his back and prepared to spring. But when he saw the figure stand, he froze and stood transfixed, his snarl now a slack-jawed gape. He recognized that sleek frame and the way the cat moved with flawless grace and ease. That pelt, those golden eyes, that smile... he knew them all so well. He had spent moons tenderly memorizing every fur on that pelt, and the way those golden eyes would shine like the setting sun. "Slatepelt..." Even as Shinefang heard himself say the name out loud, he felt his earlier rage dissolving. A warmth that he thought had died long ago stirred within his chest like the first seedling fighting through the frost at the end of leafbare. His mate approached him, and in a movement so sweet and tender, rubbed her muzzle against his cheek, just below his lost eye. She never did seem to mind his injury from apprenticeship. It was one of the many things he had loved about her. In that one moment, among the glittering starlit fields, Shinefang let his former mate's muzzle linger there, and he felt like he had come home for the first time in many years... for the first time since...

Shinefang pulled away, slowly. He wanted to stay there forever in her embrace. But he had spent so many years wondering, agonizing over a question that only she could answer. And he needed to know. "Slatepelt ...why? Why did you leave me all alone?" The old tom's heart ached as he asked. He didn't want to remember any of this. He wanted to bury these memories deep down where he'd never have to see them. But he had to know. "I had to grieve for you, and our kits, all by myself. I never even got to meet them... " The tom took a step back, his legs beginning to tremble, as if the weight of his grief might crush him. His lips began to curl as he went on. "My brothers and sisters, they died too. I had to leave our old territory so I couldn't even visit our kits' graves anymore... I had to do all of that alone. You said you'd stay with me but you left me... Why?" The old tom's hackles began to raise again, and he bore his teeth in a snarl. "You were a stronger warrior than any cat I knew. Our kits may not have made it because they were too little, but you were a fighter, Slatepelt!" Shinefang raked the ground with his claws as he shouted. "You could have fought and survived... but you left me!" The tom was shaking uncontrollably now, his face contorted in a pain thousands of times worse than any ache or battle wound. He shut his eyes tight, and looked away, as his tail fell slack against the earth, and he bit his lip to contain a bitter sob. "You said we'd always be there for each other. That we could get through anything together... but you left me."
A soft purr rumbling deep in her chest as the two embraced eachother, Slatepelt felt her heart soar. She had been so worried. It had been difficult for the many moons she hunted in Starclan's territory to watch her mate close up and disconnect. It just wasn't him. Inhaling deeply, she let out a soft sigh as the silence enveloped them. It surprised her when Shinefang pulled away, the warmth from his living body disappearing with a trial of stardust.

"I..." In a second, all the warmth that had flooded underneath her pelt disappeared and her gaze seemed to travel back to that moment. She was alone. Utterly alone and cold. Giving Shinefang a pained stare, the warrior shook her head slowly from side to side and let out a long sigh. "Shinefang, it wasn't my fault Starclan decided to call me among their ranks then. I was in so much pain, I didn't mean to cause more!" Her reply was defiant but filled with grief as she watched the tom move further away from her. Please not now! This is the first time I've seen you in moons. Her mouth gaped as he continued. "Shinefang that isn't my fault that your siblings died! I don't know what you want me to say! We had to move with the clan too!" It was ridiculous that she was defending herself so vehemently. She thought Shinefang would understand, he would have realized it wasn't her choice. She would never leave him intentionally, so why did he believe that she chose to leave in one of her worst moments. A bitterness pierced her heart. "I wish I could have stayed with you and our kits could have stayed with you! It wasn't my fault and it hurts that you think I would have left you all alone on purpose!" The wispy fur on her face was now stained with tears. How unprofessional of her. After all these moons in Starclan and she had to lose her composure now? She couldn't even remember the last time they had fought like this, certainly not while she had been alive. Did he want to see his kits? She could arrange that. Anything, just anything to have him not be upset with her! With a sob, Slatepelt muttered under her breath,

"I fought as best I could, Shinefang..."

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Last edited by Dust; October 30th, 2017 at 04:48 PM.
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