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Old October 30th, 2017, 11:02 PM
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Default Halloween Announcement

Halloween Announcement

Hi there, ghosts and ghouls! I mean.. members of WCO!

I hope you’re getting into the spirit of spookiness, as Halloween is upon us. In order to maximize the site’s SCARE levels (that’s an acronym - Savage Cats and Roleplaying Enthusiasts), we have a bunch of Halloween-related things going on.

The Theme
We redesigned the default theme to fit the season. Enjoy it while it lasts - it won’t be here long!

If you encounter problems with the theme, please let a staff member know so we can fix the issue.

Name Changes
Have an ultra bloodcurdling name that you want to wear for Halloween on Warrior Cats Online? For the next forty-eight hours only, you can change your name to something seasonally appropriate and submit a request to revert to your original once Halloween is over. These won’t count against your allotted name changes.

Flash Profile Design/Writing/Art Contest
Rather than doing a scavenger hunt this year, we have a new event. We're looking for creative and interesting pieces to reflect on Halloween - this can range from poetry, to short stories, art or a small animation, your profile, etc. We aren't expecting anything elaborate!

For writing, the limitations are:
1) it must be related to Halloween
2) it must be related to Warrior Cats Online
3) it cannot exceed 1,000 words

For artwork, we are requesting that you draw your character--either as a human or cat, your choice!--wearing their favorite Halloween costume, going trick-or-treating, or any other activity that screams Halloween.

For profiles, we ask you design it to represent the spirit of Halloween! This can be anything from font color to border colors and mystical backgrounds. Refer to this section of the FAQ for customization help or you can ask the community in Site Assistance!

Submissions can be privately messaged to an administrator, so either Skeleton King or myself. It can be in the form of a link or the content itself. Entries are due on November 2nd, 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

The winner will be announced on November 3rd, and will receive an opportunity to have a character of their design appear in the upcoming WCO Special Edition. All participants will receive an award and a sum of Koins.

Have a safe and fun Halloween from your friends at WCO!