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Old November 1st, 2017, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

[ Oh I wouldn't worry about that, I would love for them to end up together but I understand she will have to come out of her shell and if you don't want them to happen than I won't be offended either c: ]

[ I should get some art done of that huh? Hehe ]

Clementinepaws ears went red with embarassment. She bent her head and averted her gaze quickly as she touched her side. Stupid! You mousebrain, now what? She will think you have bees for a brain. frustrated clementine stalked over towards rain oelt who was now crouched by the river, her shadow dancing across the surface for a moment than retreating so that only her paw remained. She was almost stone still, like one of those grey statues at her house folks home. She found herself starring now, the shimmer of the water reflecting rainpelts face and illuminating her young physical appearance. Her toned forelegs powerful enough to surely get her leaping across canyons for sure! What oti had said about the wild cats was true, they looked strong enough to climb up the mountains in a day with no breaks, or swim across a lake easily, even run across the whole world and not stop for a breath. The apprentice found herself glancing at her own body. Her shoulders slumped and her chest fell inwards. She was nothing like the wild cats, but one day maybe. One day. She flicked her attention back to rain oelt and focused on what she was doing again. She stalked towards the river side and crouched again, she studied rained.t for a moment longer than copied as she had done. Her paw hoovered over the water ringing it almost a red colour with the vibrancy of her orange fur. She looked over at rain pelt for approval with shimmering eyes of wonder, "like this?" she rasped.


[ Cause I actually have the patience to get things done today ]

Shiverlight was running now, her breath coming out raspy as she ran for the border. She took no time to notice that she had fully crossed it now, she wasn't truly afraid anymore. There was nothing more horrifying than the Tom who was waiting back for her at camp. The blue furred feline made an effort to slow down now that she was no longer in her territory and simply slowed to a mere trot, trying to make sure if anyone began to pursue her she could easily make her get away with enough time. Just than she collapsed from exhaustion and curled into a tight ball, gasping for breath and sobbing. She was pregnant with kits she didn't want, she was horrified and even more horrified at the fact she was seeking comfort in the paws of someone she had threatened to kill multiple times. Charmpelt. he seemed like a saint now compared to her dreaded mate, one who had threatened to kill charmpelt and her if she started to see the Tom again. Shiverlight squeezed her eyes shut a moment later trying to wish the nightmare away... if only it was possible. She than mustered her strength to pull herself into a more secluded spot beneath bramble thicket. She would hope a patrol would spot her, take her to riverclan so she could perhaps leave Shadowclan to flee the horrors of that place. As she squeezed her eyes shut another wave of sobs hit her body, shaking her shoulders with such force she snapped a twig next to her. As this continued she finally drained the remains of her energy into nothing and simply lay looking towards where she had come, even the slow movement of blinking was reduced to a slower setting. Her eyes looked dark and her pelt torn. Than she drifted into sleep, under the bramble bush, on the other side of the border, with riverclan stench coating her fur. And yet she felt peace sleeping here instead.
The Chausie had never been planning on any of this. Ever since Jema's disappearance, he had never planned to fall in love again. And yet it was funny... love didn't seem to care what he wanted, all it wanted to do was mess with his head. And yes, it had done quite the number on the young tom. Who would have thought that he - that HE, of all cats, would be in love with a ShadowClan cat? His fur was sleek and clean, neatly groomed as always, but there was something off about him. For the first time in... well... a very long time, he hadn't so much as winked at another she cat. Shiverlight had been the one and only cat on his mind. Does it have to be like this? Right now he was heading towards the border in hopes of seeing this cat who had caught his feelings. Who would, most likely, break his heart.

Her name was almost like poison to him, he could feel it intoxicating his heart and mind, and it only made him more uncomfortable. It was like he couldn't escape the strangeness of feeling like he really loved someone again. Love was a funny thing. If this was just a simple crush, he would have been long over it. Those tiny little insignificant one or two moon long flirt-fests were what had given Charmpelt his entertainment in the past. But it had been well over two moons, and he was still seeing Shiverlight now. Originally it had been blamed on her, that she was too hard to get to, that he needed to stick around and make sure he could make her fall in love. But there were times that he was pretty sure it wasn't just... well... him trying to win her heart so he could break it. It was him trying to win her heart so that he could save it.

And as he headed through the territory, a scent - disguised, perhaps, but one that he would recognize anywhere - came to his attention. Shiverlight... And like StarClan had given him wings, Charmpelt launched foward, heading towards the scent until he came to a bush near the border. Crouching down, he could see his unwilling love curled up inside. "Shiverlight?" His voice was gentle, and this time, held not even the smallest bit of flirtatious affection in it. Instead, there was something there that he hadn't heard in his own voice for a very long time - true care. True... love. @Celestial

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.

Last edited by lone; November 2nd, 2017 at 05:26 PM.
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