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Old November 1st, 2017, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Right now, it felt a lot like Stormwing had lost everyone. She had lost an awful lot of cats over the moons, but this? This was a whole new type of low feeling. Her eyes remained looking down at the ground, her expression didn't brighten for anything, and she looked like she would have rather been dead then right there in the territory. Her soft blue optics weren't glowing as they had when she had come out here with Littlefoot before, nor were they sparkling with interest as they had with Leaf...paw, then, or at least she thought it had been Leafpaw, when he had told her about his collection. How many cats was it now? There was Crowpaw - Hiddentalon - Leafwatcher, that had been his warrior name - and now Littlefoot too. That was four cats that Stormwing had thought she might have feelings for (well, for Crowpaw and Hiddentalon, anyways) and every time they had been taken from her in some manner. Why did she even bother? She was never going to be able to trust anyone to stay for good. No one cared enough to stay for good. She'd lost friends, too, so many friends - too many for her to even name. Other friends she rarely saw anymore. And she was certain there were more she had forgotten, countless cats she was acquainted with that had fallen out of contact over the moons, and she would never see them again. Because that was Stormwing's curse - every time she got close to someone, they were taken from her. They died or something else happened. No one... no one was safe from the cursed silver tabby. So maybe she should just stop trying and admit the fact that she was always going to be alone, because who could she trust now? There was no saving angel for her. She was going to be forever alone, and the dreams that she'd once had of having a family were crumbling into ashes and dust.

Leafwatcher had finally made it back, finally. Away from the evil Dusk Syndicate, away from the horrible things that had happened in the Dusk Syndicate, things that he didn't want to talk about, it was to horrific. But, he was finally back. He was finally home. He had let Roseleen go ahead, so she could meet with Snowstar. She would surely let her in. Well.. he hoped. He fluffed his pelt from the cold, green optics looking around calmly. It was where he usually hung out with Stormwing, the part of the forest at the back of the territory. Where he was catnapped also. That didn't matter anymore though, he was home. He scanned the terrain. Was Stormwing over here? Leafwatcher glanced around, and frowned. Probably not. Leafwatcher wished she were in this part of the territory though, just so she knew he was back. That would be a comfort, or at least an assurance. It would assure him greatly.
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