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Old November 4th, 2017, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by frankenpaws View Post
❝ I think I'm in love with you. ❞

Soft wisps of air broke through the she-cat's lips, as she hurriedly brought Rosewing out from the camp entrance. Maplebrook was scared. Not even scared, maybe terrified would be a better word to describe it. Tonight was special for her, and by the next morning her and Rosewing would either be ignoring each other, or they'd be snuggled up beside one another. The mainly-alabaster feline was certain that the former option would be the result of how the whole scenario would play out; but she still hoped. Her heart still hoped that the latter would be the result, despite her conscious telling her otherwise.

Now the pair stood in a fairly moonlit area, with the cool breeze gently combing through the trees. The bi-coloured female took a strong gulp of fresh air, turning herself around to face the blue-eyed beauty in front of her.
"R-Rosewing," she began, on a fairly shaky note. Before she continued on, the she-cat readjusted herself. Straightening out her body, and then loosening up her shoulders. A new strike of confidence filled through her bloodstream, the adrenaline kicking in. Maplebrook steadied herself, muttering a quick 'you got this' underneath her breath.
"Rosewing, I think I'm in love with you. No, scratch that. I'm head-over-heels, utterly in love with you, and I'm sorry if this stops us from being friends. I just couldn't keep it bundled up any longer." Her voice was soft, but somewhat loud; with a hint of a British accent lingering. Her amber pools fluttered across the female ahead of her, as if they needed to just be close to her body. After a small pause, Maplebrook began to speak up once again,
"And - And, I get it if you don't feel the same way, but I wanted to get it out."

The moths still ate away at her insides, but now it felt as if snakes were creeping across her throat; beginning to increase their grip around her neck. She felt awkward, but the air around the two wasn't as tense as she thought it would be. Still, her patient self waited for Rosewing's response; as if she was almost anticipating the outcome
@mysterious meraki
The crisp, clear winter air didn't bother the Ragdoll, her pelt warming her just as the air chilled her. Rosewing's pale blue gaze followed her good friend as they both headed out of the camp. While Rosewing herself was curious as to why they were leaving the camp in the night, she wasn't at all nervous. Her eyes shown with their usual joyous glimmer as they headed out to the moonlit clearing.
The small skip in her step that Rosewing carried with her remained as they walked, before coming to a hault. The flame point was no idiot, and she noticed the nervous aura that surrounded her good friend, but her naivety kept her from understanding what was making Maplebrook so nervous.

Rosewing faced the bi-coloured she-cat, her blue eyes searching the other's face. When Maplebrook's crisp voice broke the still air, Rosewing listened. The words traveled from the other molly's mouth straight to her own heart, and a smile began to form on her maw. Rosewing got to her paws and sat closer to her good friend, and gently pressed her forehead and nose to Maplebrook's, before sitting back and looking her in the eyes.
"Maplebrook," she said quietly, voice laced with giddy joy. "I just so happen to also be head over heels with this one she-cat. She's absolutely stunning; the moon to my sun. The fire to my ice. She's the one for me and i know it. Maplebrook, I'm in love with you." She purred, feeling happier than she'd ever felt; she was practically floating.

Rosewing hadn't ever been in love, but she was certain this is what it felt like. She felt it in her heart.
i tried to write your name in the rain
but the rain never came
so i made with the sun
the shade,
always comes at the worst times

character site: wip
art: my da

Last edited by meraki; November 4th, 2017 at 09:16 PM.