Thread: Fairytail RP
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Old October 5th, 2016, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: Fairytail RP

Originally Posted by Jappy View Post
Eres gave Luke a small wave as he headed to the front door, sliding onto her couch and groaning at the feeling of the cushions underneath her body. "Mmmm rest." She murmured , pulling the blanket to her chin. She wanted so bad to fall asleep, but something nagged her that made her sit up once more."Hey Luke? Thank you. For everything." Eres smiled at him, before laughing lightly. "Would of sucked if I had to go to Blue Pegasus or something- I wouldn't be able to be your guild mate anymore!" She blushed a bit, panicking a bit because that was not what she wanted at all and not what she meant to say but she rolled with it, hoping Luke didn't notice the red tint now on her cheeks.
"Uh no problem." The mage muttered, looking at her, quickly noticing the red tinge on her cheeks. He decided to make no comment on it. Luke rubbed his face and put on a small smile, "Yeah that would've sucked." He replied a few moments later.

I once killed a man in his sleep with his own mustache and a grape. - Germany