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Old November 19th, 2017, 01:05 PM
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Burnpaw Burnpaw is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Gender: F but I rp best as male characters.
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Default Re: Zombie Rp w/Scarwings take 3

Originally Posted by ScarredSecrets View Post

She waved and flopped down at the table. She had the weirdest thing happen. She had a nightmare, then it just faded. She wouldn't talk about it of course but it kept nagging at her conscience.
Calamity came in the room, holding Rosie in one arm and a wooden spoon in another. When 'Lake got up to go outside, she whacked him with the spoon, saying "Nuh uh boy, you betta Clean that up, I ain't doin it for you." He picked up the bowl and washed it off in the sink. "Now shoo! Barley needs you out there fixing the fence so none of them infecteds get at the cows again!" He nodded to Scarlett. "See you later." He told her going out the door.
Calamity shook her head, smiling before she gave Scarlett a serving. "And you get your strength up. You too thin for your own good honey!"
My character's best quotes:
"When you're dyin' inside yet you can't do nothin' 'bout it, you know you've hit rock bottom... That means things can only get better... Right?" -'Lake
"You know that good cats can be tricked into doing bad things. One with the right intent can kill a clan. But the worst thing is Vengeance; it can blind you, and lead you to trust evil and push away friends. Don't ever let that happen." -Burnsoul
"Screw you all 'cause b!@#* I'm fabulous!" -Palewind