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Old November 19th, 2017, 01:22 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by woly View Post

[thats okay !! dont feel stressed/pressured when replying, im very patient.)
they felt a squirm under their paw. they had spent enough time in the nursery with inspections to know what that meant. how ebonymist didnt know she was expecting kits was a mystery, but it was never to late. they placed their paw harder, just for reassurance, and was only met with a small squirm against it, movement. they pulled their paw away, not wanting to cause any discomfort to the warrior, or perhaps, queen. ¨you are carrying kits, ebonymist.¨ they mewed calmly. ¨im not sure how many to be exact at this stage, but none seem to be still or unmoving--which is good, considering youve just been in a battle. sometimes trauma can cause a still born.¨ speaking of injuries, they took a look at her eye again. it was clean now, and had stopped trickling blood a long time ago. they grew cold when seeing her eye was a more faded grey color, one you only see in blind cats. ¨can you see me from your injured eye,ebony?¨
@Sasukewolf (madness)

Ebonymist blinked, surprised by Daypaw's words. "K-Kits?" She stammered, looking down at her stomach and then back up at Daypaw. "I don't know how to be a mother!" She looked at Lostface helplessly, before glancing back at Daypaw. Her eyes filled with hope and excitement, with a small spark of concern and confusion marring the innocent, happy look. Oh my StarClan, what am I to do? The image of mewling kits warmed her heart, calming her slightly. Upon hearing Daypaw's next words, her eye widened. "I wasn't aware that it was open." She confessed, placing a paw over her good eye. She wasn't sure if her injured eye was open or not- she couldn't feel anything- but she could see a faint, blurry shape in front of her. Ebonymist couldn't pick out any details, nor could she see any light or shadows; it was as if she was sitting in an almost pitch-black cave, looking at a shape and trying to identify what it was. "You're still in front of me, right?"
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