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Old November 19th, 2017, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by RedHead View Post
Shellfeather was worried for a moment at the shocked expression on Scorchingflame's face. Of course she knew he would've been shocked, but there seemed to be something more, deeper in the depths of his eyes. But while she was trying to figure it out, he regained a happy expression, all of the other emotions gone.
It's probably nothing to worry about. The queen reassured herself, smiling back at him. As he meowed about being parents in excitement, Shellfeather opened her mouth, but stopped before she said anything. She was about to say, 'I already am a parent' in a joking way, but then she realized he probably wouldn't take it in the joking manner she had intended. So she said something else instead. "Yes, yes we are Scorchingflame. And I bet these kits are going to be absolutely beautiful." She meowed, then stepped a bit closer to him.
"I-I know you're not exactly ready to be a father, there's so much that has happened to you recently. I just hope that, whenever you need it, you just take a break. I've had kits before, I know how difficult it can be. But I've learned how to handle it. And I don't want you to see these kits as an annoying mound of fur," She laughed a little, remembering her first litter that she had, and how annoying she had thought they were at times. "but rather as precious beings, the clan's future leaders and warriors." She kept her blue gaze focused on his, her head tilted up slightly, due to his height. "So, just know, take a break whenever you need to. And I'll be there to help you as well. We can support each other."
``I'll always support you, Shellfeather, whether it's regarding these kits or something else, I've got your tail,``Scorchingflame purred softly. He wasn't exactly a fan of Shellfeather's other litters of kits seeing how they belonged to.. to him, and they were just a reminder of Shellfeather's first relationship, but he tolerated them for her sake. Now, Scorchingflame's own kits would be his kits' half-siblings. Russetswirl would have to tolerate Scorchingflame's kits who were living in his Clan! Ha! The irony...

However, these kits were much more than just spite-babies. These were Scorchingflame's kits with the feline he's been pining after for ages! He was finally getting what he wanted - a family with Shellfeather! Scorchingflame found himself rubbing against her affectionately, purring loudly. ``I just can't believe it! I'll love these kits with everything in me, Shellfeather, I swear. I'll be there beside you every step of the way.`` The ginger tabby tomcat gazed warmly at the smaller she-cat, an innocent yet loving gleam in his golden eyes.

And then he wondered... Did Shellfeather want him to ask her to be his mate? Of course, he'd jump to announce the question to her, but only if she was ready. He was interested in pressuring her into anything, and would only accept her as a mate if she shared a mutual love with him. Unless he was blinded by his love, which would most likely be the case. Know what? Nevermind, he'd accept her as a mate no matter what, and she'd learn to love him along the way. Confusion clouded his vision, and he tilted his head slightly to the side. ``Am - are we still friends?`` His naive nature kicked in just a little bit. Can we even be friends if we're having kits together?
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!