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Old November 21st, 2017, 09:03 PM
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Charmer Charmer is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Morningblue watched his sister's mate walk away and finished up the last swallow of the wren he had been eating during the conversation. He stood up, licking the last few scraps from his muzzle as he looked around for a cat he'd been meaning to talk with since shortly after the disastrous gathering. As luck would have it, he spotted the ginger pelt of the Thunderclan deputy. Taking off across he clearing at a trot he called the tom's name, "Passionblaze!" the blue meowed in a voice that was even and cool. "Do you have a second? I was hoping to talk to you about some thoughts I have." The blue tom lowered his voice just a bit, "about the upcoming battle with Windclan." The tom knew that anxiety about the battle to come had most of Thunderclan on edge. He didn't wish to startle any cats who might overhear. "It didn't seem like my place to go to Snowstar directly. I thought perhaps you could let me know what you think and pass on the idea if you like it?"
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Last edited by Charmer; November 21st, 2017 at 09:04 PM.