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Old November 22nd, 2017, 08:11 PM
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Crazy Fox Lover
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Undercover View Post
((No problem; my posts may be shorter than this becuase I'm busy with semester finals and Thanksgiving))

Asterstep parted her jaws in a wide yawn, her eyes half-open as she woke from her nap beneath the red berry bush. Unsheathing her claws, the she-cat dig them into the peaty earth and arched her back in a luxurious stretch. With a sigh, the blinked open her eyes, revealing piercing icy blue orbs. Resheathing her deadly weapons, the female curled up her tail an dit's looked around, feeling content after her rest. Asterstep peered around, blinking in the afternoon sunlight. As her gaze wandered nonchalantly around the camp, the female's eyes fell on the large form of Sunmist. To her, the young tom was the perfect picture of a warrior. He was strong and intimidating in size. Yet, despite his huge appearance, the tom could be loyal and honest warrior. She had noticed in time how different many cats could seem, and yet be completely different on the inside.

Deciding to say hello to the tom cat in the sunlight, Asterstep smoothed down her tri-colored fur and padded over. As she made her way towards the relaxing warrior, the she-cat let her gaze wander so that she wasn't staring at him like a stunned vole. The clan was relaxing around them, and Asterstep was pleased to see her clan so relaxed. Despite the flood a few times ago, the female was proud of the way her clan had rebuilt itself. However, despite the renewed tidiness of the clearing, Asterstep was still not very fond of water at all. As she reached Sunmist, the she-cat shook herself from her thoughts. "Hello Sunmist." She greeted with a friendly flick of her ear. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked, tapping with her long brown, black, and white tail to a soft layer of dirt beside him.
(Alrighty, it's no worries! I can definitely understand!)

The tom's ears flicked up when he heard a voice and he turned, meeting the cool gaze of Asterstep. Sunmist gave a polite nod accompanied by a small smile. "Hello Asterstep. Of course- it's not like I own that spot," he answered with a friendly chuckle. Yes, he was getting much better at acting more laid back, and even cracked a joke once in a while- like now. One of the biggest critiques his clanmates had about the fluffy feline was how serious he was all the time, but he wanted others to feel comfortable in his company so he made a visible effort to be less intimidating. "It's quite a lovely day, huh?" He sighed, amber eyes trailing along the clearing. They caught onto a group of playing kits for a moment before darting to molly beside him as he took note of her shorter coat. "Though I guess it might be a bit chilly for you." He kept his voice passive- to be honest, he didn't know Asterstep very well. He just hoped she didn't have a quick temper. There were many cats he knew that would be angered at the simplest comment, who would be spitting at him simply for bringing attention to the fact that the other had a shorter coat. The tom hoped again that he hadn't offended the she-cat; he didn't think anything was wrong with her coat at all. In fact, it was quite pretty. Stunning, even. But there was only so much he could stress about, so he let the issue flee from his brain.

"I don't know that we've chatted much," the tom commented with a flick of the tail. "How are you?" Sunmist kept his tone polite, as for what he knew Asterstep was a good warrior, so he held respect for her. As he waited for a response, he wracked his brain for any information on the molly that he might know, some sort of common ground to connect on. This would certainly be an awkward encounter if they didn't have anything to talk about, and they were about done with the usual conversation starters. Disappointed, he came up with none. How was it that he was so devoted to Shadowclan and yet he knew so little about his fellow clanmates? The golden feline made a promise to himself to improve on that. There were more ways to be a good warrior than just by hunting and patrolling and he needed to remind himself of that. Too often he was ignoring his clanmates in favor of a hunt or patrol, which of course was important- but socializing was important too. With a small shake of his head, Sunmist returned his attention to the conversation. He could critique himself later.

[COLOR="Pink"]I am an old user returning (and completely starting over). I may not remember you, if you do happen to remember me- I'm sorry!
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