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Old November 23rd, 2017, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post

Morningblue watched his sister's mate walk away and finished up the last swallow of the wren he had been eating during the conversation. He stood up, licking the last few scraps from his muzzle as he looked around for a cat he'd been meaning to talk with since shortly after the disastrous gathering. As luck would have it, he spotted the ginger pelt of the Thunderclan deputy. Taking off across he clearing at a trot he called the tom's name, "Passionblaze!" the blue meowed in a voice that was even and cool. "Do you have a second? I was hoping to talk to you about some thoughts I have." The blue tom lowered his voice just a bit, "about the upcoming battle with Windclan." The tom knew that anxiety about the battle to come had most of Thunderclan on edge. He didn't wish to startle any cats who might overhear. "It didn't seem like my place to go to Snowstar directly. I thought perhaps you could let me know what you think and pass on the idea if you like it?"
After a nice...well-needed run, Passionblaze found himself trotting into the clearing. He brought back to satisfying mice...well, one of them more on the scrawny side, but it was better than nothing! After distributing his gain, he sat down, his tail lashing for a moment. He eyed his fellow clanmates, throwing smiles at whichever ones caught his sullen gaze. That fight with the Syndicate wore him out, physically drained him and sore him. He didn't think it would take that long to heal from such pain, but it had. On top of that, he was pushing himself. He was always pushing himself. Passionblaze wanted to be bigger, he wanted to improve. He felt weakened in that battle, but they had won it. He wasn't dominated. Even when in beaten to a pulp, he shot back up. He readied himself for more pain - for more fights. was the heat of the moment. Naturally, Passionblaze wasn't the type to strike violence. He was easy to approach, and very friendly, understanding, and polite. And, they say chivalry died...psh. Decorated with intricately set wounds, that made him appear more like artwork than an actual cat, Passionblaze was quite relieved that his seemingly thick pelt hid these...victories. These war gains. These trophies. Because he fought like a warrior, like a soldier.
Passionblaze's eyes widened slightly when he saw another approaching him. Shouting his name, the ginger Tom almost lost his footing from the state of shock. He briskly turned to his new company, giving a curt nod to listen to...who was this? Still new and all, Passionblaze was teaching himself to learn the names of his companions. When the other tom mentioned the upcoming battle with Windclan, Passionblaze jumped up, his fur bristling. "I almost forgot about that!" He exclaimed - how could he forget about that battle? If there was a tree, Passionblaze would had banged his head against it. Slowly, Passionblaze gained lost of control, but he was still self-conscious. He perked his ears towards his clan mate. "Oh, do you?" His voice was genuinely curious. He even gave a tilt of his head. "I'm all ears." He wiggled them upright, allowing the firmness of his stocky legs to relax from under mild pressure. If cats felt they couldn't go to their leader, Passionblaze was there to help them. He was an open minded tom that loved the opinions of others. And, exactly what this Tom had in mind about the upcoming war?

Last edited by Brilliance; November 23rd, 2017 at 01:23 AM.