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Old November 24th, 2017, 06:47 PM
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SnakeBite SnakeBite is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Gender: she-cat
Posts: 24
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

SnakeBite watched her kits with soft eyes, they were only 2 moons old but she knew what to name them. Slitherkit was slinking under his brother Blackkit, causing Blackkit to get confused while Moonkit just sat and watched with her moon colored pelt shining in the sun. SnakeBite missed her warrior life, but she loved her kits, and she soon would return to her warrior life in about 4moons.
Pushing away her thoughts, DarkStorm entered the nursery arousing the kits from their play. He gave an affectional lick to his mate, and said "You don't think CalicoHeart would mind watching the kits while we go on a hunt?" "not at all" said CalicoHeart walking into the nursery. "are you sure?" replied SnakeBite. "I'm sure, you need to get out of the nursery. You and DarkStorm haven't been out for a hunt since a moon before the kits were born." "okay, okay. Be good kits!" SnakeBite said as she left the nursery.

DarkStorm stalked the mouse very carefully, then he pounced killing it with one swipe. Next they headed to the river, SnakeBite leaped into the cool water as she caught a big salmon, and tossed it up on land. Once she climbed back on shore, DarkStorm dived on in, swimming like a fish and he caught one too.

Each carrying 2fish, a mouse, and a vole, they walked into camp. They dropped off the fresh kill, each taking something for them selves and went into the nursery. They sat and ate together with their cute kits.