Thread: Monster school
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Old November 25th, 2017, 09:55 PM
SolarWarrior SolarWarrior is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 122
Default Re: Monster school

(I'm I too late?)

Name: Mark Victori
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Type of monster: Werewolf
Appearance: A tall slightly tan male with messy/spiky black hair and unusually yellow eyes. Seen in a regular black shirt,jeans and black sneakers. When in wolf form he's a big fluffy grey wolf with yellow eyes. He also has extremely sharp teeth.
Personality(can be TBRP): Mark's friendly and kind as well as selfless. He'll help you how ever he can. (Rest is TBRPed)
Ok or not ok with the idea of humans and going to school with them: Yes he is but he's slightly afraid after what happened to him.
Have they killed a human before: No.
Love interest: Open!
Sexuality: Straight
Other: Friends with Sher-sher and Jan. (Could someone play a human following them?)

Name: Sherlyn "Sher-sher" Hernandez
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Type of monster: Demon
Appearance: A tall tan female with long dark brown hair she wears in a ponytail and dark brown eyes. Seen in a long sleeved grey shirt,dark green jacket,jeans and brown boots. Her appearance can change from "human" to "true form"; Her true form is a tall tan female with long dark brown hair,dark red eyes and black horns that curve slightly on her head. Her right arm also turns black and a black mark that looks like a bunch of crescent moons together appear on her right cheek.
Personality(can be TBRP): A hot-headed demon but she can indeed be nice. (Rest is TBRPed)
Ok or not ok with the idea of humans and going to school with them: Not at all! She hates humans and wants them to be gone after what they did to Mark.
Have they killed a human before: ......Yes.....
Love interest:Open
Sexuality: Straight
Other: Nope.

Name: Jan Sheppard
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Type of monster: Vampire
Appearance: A tall pale male with messy/spiky Auburn hair and light brown eyes. Usually seen wearing a black jacket,jeans and black sneakers. Also usually seen with an umbrella and shades.
Personality(can be TBRP): Hot-headed but friendly. (Rest is TBRPed)
Ok or not ok with the idea of humans and going to school with them: Not ok.
Have they killed a human before: No they haven't. (There once was this close call but Mark stopped him)
Love interest: Open!
Sexuality: Straight
Other: Jan surprisingly doesn't like blood at all but if he has to he will kill a human to protect his friends.