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Old November 28th, 2017, 05:23 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Mauve View Post
A piece of warm floated into the midsts of the unknown yet powerful emotion that Shadetail had began feeling, like a soft feather. A tiny smile flickered onto his face and he nodded. Once nervous about speaking with Goldenstar, Shadetail felt a little more confidant in his place amongst ShadowClan. The leader had reassured him that by proving himself through hard work, he would be able to gain the favor of his Clanmates.

"I appreciate your time, thank you Goldenstar," he mewed, dipping his head in farewell. The young warrior turned, getting ready to head out of the den, before another question popped into his mind. It was slightly out of the normal as far as questions were concerned, but his mind was already churning with what the answer was to it. "Goldenstar," the gray tom began, looking over his lean shoulder at the other tom. "Do you think the Dusk Syndicate will ever reform, now that the Clans have disbanded the hierarchy?" It was an honest question, but one that most probably preferred to keep unanswered. For good reason; the Syndicate had terrorized the Clans for many moons, and their disappearance was certainly a breath of relief for all Clan members alike.
Goldenstar watched Shadetail begin to leave. The leader honestly hoped that the cat could find some friends, since he knew how hard it was to find them sometimes. He also hoped that Shade had found a kind of friend in him, as it was nice to have a relationship like that sometimes, especially when you needed to talk to someone. Maybe he and Nutpaw would meet up at some point, however, that was for Shadetail to decide, not him.

As Shadetail turned around and asked one last question, the leader grew quiet for the longest moment. Could the Dusk Syndicate reform? He didn’t want to think about that, trying to figure out how to word the answer. “I don’t think there’s much of a chance that they’ll reform any time soon, however, there’s always a possibility I suppose,” he murmured. “Why do you ask?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. He didn’t think that was a normal question to ask, however, it was kind of a good question. They had forced them to disband, but anything could happen at any point. Sure, the possibility wasn’t that high, but you never knew.